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Welcome to GOY. You have a nice garden there

25 Jan, 2014


Very pretty setting there Treehouse.

26 Jan, 2014


Beautiful has great structure. How long have you been working on it? I garden in Ontario too. (the eastern part) we moved here three years ago and I have acres to work with. feeling a little challenged. I noticed your I love those plants! I brought only two varieties from my other garden and wish that I had brought them all. They don't like being disturbed and mine are just getting re-established after 3 summers.

26 Jan, 2014


Lorilyn - are they herbaceous paeonies? The trick is not to plant them too deeply - the growth bud must be ABOVE soil level. Also, the best time to move them is immediately after the foliage dies down in autumn.

If you do this, they don't mind being moved at all. A few years ago, I moved twelve of them, and all but one flowered again the following year.

26 Jan, 2014


Lorilyn57-I have been working on this garden for 20 yrs.My main problem is--the person who originally landscaped it put down plastic and white stone over it.There were basically shrubs and no flowers.Over the years I've had to dig flower beds and filter the stone and soil and I'm still doing it.Wish he had never done that--it's created a lot of work for me---anyways I love gardening and to see the results gives me pleasure.

26 Jan, 2014


Thanks Andrewr. It's a bit of a trick to establish them here, I've found, as our winters are long and the frost goes deep into the ground. The first winter out of the ground they were stored with my cousin who lives in a much warmer part of the province and I think they were given a bit of fertilizer. It was a double shock for them. Every autumn, (in my other garden) I left the foliage to die down and give the eyes a protective mulch til spring. They did beautifully.
Treehouse: Your garden is lovely...and all your hardwork has paid off. The biggest challenge I've found is working on the soil. In my last garden I had rubble! in this one it's a bowl valley and most of the soil (sandy) was trucked in to fill a small swale. the drainage is good...but every year a little more washes downstream! Lots of work for me too! you..."I love gardening"...and it's a good thing too! lol.

26 Jan, 2014


Welcome ... that's a pretty garden !

27 Jan, 2014

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