By Lorilyn57

26 Jan, 2014
Comments on this photo
The 'like' is for Rufus :o))
not the snow ...
26 Jan, 2014
I expected Rufus to be red! He's got a lovely coat on him anyway to keep out the cold.
27 Jan, 2014
Yes... perhaps Dreyfus would have been a better handle for him, Feverfew. Rufus was my husband's choice as he thought Rufus was a suitably dignified name. We have a Degu who's been dubbed Rupert! So far, Rufus thinks that Rupert is his squeaky toy and has tried a few times to get at him thro the cage bars. the name...have a friend from Italy, named Giorgio! He's gray too.
Thanks Hywel...we got more snow last night! GAhhh!!!!
27 Jan, 2014
He's a beauty Lori his tail looks huge !
28 Jan, 2014
he carries it over his back like a fluffy question mark, Amy. He has grown into a big cat..I'd guess he's about 15-20 lbs. Makes quite a thump when he jumps down from his favourite aerie...(top of the cabinet)!
28 Jan, 2014
More snow ! :( We're having lots of rain but I think it's better than snow ...
28 Jan, 2014
They've closed the trans-canada highway south of us because of accidents, whiteouts and drifting snow. Strong beastly wind and more snow....X-(
29 Jan, 2014
I'm sorry to hear that :o( I hope conditions improve soon for you.
30 Jan, 2014
We get most of our snow in March, as a rule, Hywel. Today there is a large swath of eastern N.A. which is under a huge snowy low pressure...and it's heading east. More snow..and lots of it! Gaaahhhh! Going to be a bear...wake me up in May!
1 Feb, 2014
I think hibernation is the best thing to do in the winter :o)
1 Feb, 2014
We have another 10 inches of snow on the ground today, Hywel.
2 Feb, 2014
:o( Another 10 inches ? Is that usual ? It sounds horrendous ! I hope you're able to cope with it ...
2 Feb, 2014
Oh yes we certainly can cope,'s winter in Ontario and we have snowplows and sanders. The roads are dusty and gritty in the spring...but during the worst of the snow the sand keeps us on the road (and out of the ditches) Sadly, March is the worst month for precip. If March is cold we get tons of snow...about 5 years ago we received 60 inches of snow in 24 hours! Five feet! imagine? We had road closures and school bus cancellations..even the city buses were slow and late. There can also be power interruptions which can be a problem if homeheating is electrical. Hopefully, March of 2014 will be mild and we will have rain and all the accumulations will go without too much flooding.
8 Feb, 2014
I hope March won't be so bad for you this year. I'm glad you can cope.
If we get a little bit of snow here, the whole place grinds to a halt. We haven't had any this winter yet, but the rain has been torrential, and there are floods everywhere.
11 Feb, 2014
I watch the BBC videos on my computer! Somersetshire is getting some attention and there's footage of the Thames up over it's banks. Sandra was saying that it has been a warm winter in Pembrokeshire...just extremely windy! I lived for a year in British Columbia, on the Lower Mainland, where snow is very rare in winter, and strangely I missed the snow! My sister lived on Vancouver Island and "grinding to a halt" was common there too. Being from "back East" we all found it very amusing because we knew how to get around in it...but most of the neighbours were calling up Public Works asking when their street was going to be plowed!( it was a mere 2 inches of snow)
12 Feb, 2014
2 inches is a lot ! lol ... We don't have even that much here.
15 Feb, 2014
Posting a pic of my greenhouse under snow, Hywel. We have slightly more than two inches! ;)
15 Feb, 2014
I've had a look - Yes you do have slightly more ! ... lol
15 Feb, 2014
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I LOVE cats!!!I had a black one called Gino.He was a beauty too.
26 Jan, 2014