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Oh, that's lovely !
Super pic Lori .. well done :o)

27 Jan, 2014


Thanks Terra... It's hard to get a good shot of them at magnification because they move so quickly.

28 Jan, 2014



28 Jan, 2014


Fabulous photo Lori ...well caught !

28 Jan, 2014


Great shot ... gone on to my Favourites.

28 Jan, 2014


Nice one Lori....

29 Jan, 2014


Returned here to add this pic to my favourites :o)

3 Feb, 2014


Thanks very much! They are so colourful and full of character. Watching them is great entertainment. the rest of the flock was on the ground beneath the feeder. I counted 26 birds.

3 Feb, 2014


Twenty six? How lovely ... I was pleased this morning to see a pair of Bluetits going to and fro from a bird box in my garden ... hope they will make a nest.

4 Feb, 2014


Wow... 26 birds... quite a gathering ..

good luck, Shirley with the bird box.

I've nominated this pic for GoYpedia. :o)

4 Feb, 2014


Thanks Terra ... definitely a pair of them ... :o)

4 Feb, 2014


Thanks Terra... Our house sits in a bowl valley...when the jays fly in to the feeder the area resembles an airport! The birds gather in the tall trees surrounding the cedar tree where my feeder hangs from a lower limb. Bluejays have an interesting flight habit...they are very quick. They glide in successive dips with wings tight to the body..then spread like a V shaped fighter jet at the slowing of the dip, a wing beat..and then arrowlike again for the quickest part of the next dip...delightful to watch. Before they alight or perch they "air brake" with wings and tail fully fanned. Makes a flash of blue...

4 Feb, 2014


Those bluejays must be fascinating to watch.
I notice from your photos that they have attractive markings when viewed from all angles ...
.. from the side, from above, from the rear !

4 Feb, 2014


LOL...with their quick movements I've gotten more than a few empty frames! I wish I had made the effort to get a shot of the's a jay too. But it's carnivorous. It killed and devoured a starling and I watched it from the window too shocked to move. They are sometimes called camp jays and my dad told me stories of their antics in the logging camps of long ago. They were said to have stolen food from packsacks and to have had a fascination with anything shiny..(like crows and rooks in that respect.) I'm so thankful for the winter birds, because without the garden I find I'm bored. (too much reading is bad for the eyes! (and the waistline.)

4 Feb, 2014


Do you have any more pics of the bluejays please ?

4 Feb, 2014


Does a bird have wings? lol...I sure do. Will post a few more for you, Terra. Didn't want to over do as this is a gardening site.

4 Feb, 2014


In the winter, we have more bird pics, especially while there are not so many flowers to photograph !

GoY has GoYpedia categories for British Garden Birds, Bird Tables, Bird pictures, Bird Baths, Bird Houses and Birds .. Lol... so the photos are very welcome :o)

4 Feb, 2014


What a lovely picture of the blue jays feeding.I like the pretty bird table too. Makes my hanging tables look really ordinary, but they serve their purpose. We have jays too but they never go on the tables.

5 Feb, 2014


It's been viciously cold here...and the bluejays will feed where ever they can find food...these three liked to "hang out" on the feeder while the others were on the ground bird seemed to be shoveling seeds over the side to his waiting friends on the ground!

5 Feb, 2014


Wow they are ever so beautiful .

6 Feb, 2014

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