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Hellebores and aconites in the wood


By Simbad

Hellebores and aconites in the wood

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They look really good together Kathy, so pretty :o))

4 Feb, 2014


Lovely mix at least they are flowering together.

4 Feb, 2014


Thankyou girls :-), the woods a bit of a mess at the moment piles of branches and logs everywhere from the wind damage and OH and his chainsaw lol, he's got firelighters now oh dear.

5 Feb, 2014


Spring at last !! A few snowdrops would look good as well Kathy.

16 Feb, 2014


Yes they would wouldn't they Pam, I have some large clumps to split soon so I'll move some to this area, was thinking myself it looks a bit bare,soon there'll be pulmonaria, fringecups,corydalis etc, but yes it needs something for now :-)

16 Feb, 2014


Love it Kathy, thanks for posting the pics. I hope mine will look like this in say ..... 5 years, hopefully, maybe 10 lol

3 Mar, 2014


I'm sure yours looks lovely now Dawn all those bluebells etc you've planted :-)
Still lots of planting to do, we have lots of ivy don't know about you which I don't mind as long as it doesn't climb the trees, spent ages chopping chunks out to kill it off where it has, it smothers the weeds and bulbs grow through it and it sets the snowdrops off quite nicely, Robs not so keen though and wants rid of it, I said well good luck with that lol.

4 Mar, 2014


Hi Kathy, no I dont have any ivy at all, a few brambles around which I cut off. I've been planting in there again today, celandine and the violets, takes sooo long.

4 Mar, 2014

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