The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Hedgehog box


By Pamd

Hedgehog box

Last year we had a couple of hedgehogs in the garden, living on a main road this was unusual, the way our garden is situated there is only one way in and that is up the drive from the main road. So, hubby made a nesting box. The entrance is on the other side this is just a back view.

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Looks a good idea ...
re. the dark strip across the roof centre and also top of the side ... what material is that please ?

19 Feb, 2014


It's adhesive plastic flashing TT. Looks scruffy this way round but as I said above it's showing the back. There is an entrance on the other side but we thought if anything did go in it would give it more privicy. Vic was putting hedgehog food in to start with that kept disapearing but the box has remained empty.

19 Feb, 2014


Thanks ... interesting ...
maybe you'll acquire a resident eventually :o)

19 Feb, 2014

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