Aponogeton distachyos..
By Dottydaisy2
- 16 Mar, 2014
Such a pretty plant..... think Amy sent me this, or was it HB?sorry cannot remember!! it was sometime ago...
Comments on this photo
It's beautiful! Never heard of it!
16 Mar, 2014
That's lovely!! I've never heard of it either,nice to have something pretty in the pond this time of year when nothing else has got going yet.
16 Mar, 2014
Water hawthorn girls
16 Mar, 2014
I do believe it has a perfume, but I am on my hay fever tablets and eye drops, so I cannot smell a thing, fancy being a gardener with a tree allergy!! and surrounded by Silver Birch catkins!!
16 Mar, 2014
Ker....chew! ;) poor you!
16 Mar, 2014
I know the feeling Dd it's started so early this year I'm on the tablets too:-(
16 Mar, 2014
Aaaaah thanks for that Dawn now water hawthorn I have heard of :-)
16 Mar, 2014
I hadn't. I'm clueless with water plants.
16 Mar, 2014
It wasn't me Angela I haven't one of these it's a pretty little thing , we have the same problem with the Silver Birch trees I love the trees but they do cause problems at certain times they also have millions of little caterpillars hangingon their leaves I don't like that !
17 Mar, 2014
HB bless you for remembering, I am so pleased with it.
Sinbad So you are another sufferer, isn't it a pain, started when I was about 7 years old and nobody knew what it was then, used to play with our cousins on their farm in the hay!! would come home and my eyes would be like slits, and all swollen, my mother made me go to bed!
Amy have never noticed the caterpillars, I will have to inspect the trees now, do they cause any damage at all:-[
17 Mar, 2014
Angela I thought the caterpillars were only on my silver birch trees but my daughter has them on hers as well ,they do eat the leaves ,they are small but it's the quantity of them which make you squirm millions of the little critters ,Yuk ! last year I saw some of them on spindle bushes !
17 Mar, 2014
It sounds like sawfly caterpillars, they are small and thin, we get them on Berberis, they can decimate a plant overnight!! We usually spray but you cannot spray a tree can you?
17 Mar, 2014
Sawfly usually get my gooseberries and Soloman's Seal.
19 Mar, 2014
Ours too Dawn, they can be a nightmare.....
21 Mar, 2014
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Pretty. No trouble pond plant, love mine.
16 Mar, 2014