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I think the toads/frogs have finally finished delivering their spawn

I think the toads/frogs have finally finished delivering their spawn

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LOADS! :))

26 Mar, 2014


In the summer I should have a garden full of thumbnail sized toadlets/froglets jumping all over the place. :-)

26 Mar, 2014


Oooh, that could cause some squeamishness.....! Imagine if Molly was there, she'd have a field day!

26 Mar, 2014


I can just picture her, lol

26 Mar, 2014


Yes, me would end in a massacre! I have been rethinking the whole pond thing...I think I'll leave it for a while....can you imagine a young Labrador in a small garden pond? Being chased by a JRT? I don't think the pond would come out on top!

26 Mar, 2014


Good plan. I remember when Bonnie was a puppy, she was in the pond everyday and everyday she had to have a bath, you are a very brave lady taking on a labrador puppy Karen, I just dont think I could go through it all again, how do you plan keeping the puppy within the boundaries, I notice your hedge isnt totally stock proof. I've lost Bonnie so many times when she's escaped, been gone for hours at times, in the garden one minute, gone the next ... not trying to put you off or anything.

26 Mar, 2014


Well, it's going to be tricky Dawn, but we are planning to use about 18" of wire netting to dissuade the dogs from going in to the fields. At least I have a good view of all the surrounding area from upstairs if the worst happens. I am not one for letting them run loose unsupervised in the garden, I shall be spending a lot more time tiring them out with the ball on the beach etc., so hopefully I can keep them in view. I think if I can cope with a JRT, I can probably cope with a Labrador....even a naughty one! :) Time will tell, but it will certainly be very hard work this summer.

26 Mar, 2014


That's what I would have done too (sheep netting) but it was impossible with our situation. Bonnie was so sneaky, she would get her nose down and totally ignore me if she got through the boundary and carry on. I have been told the cream labradors are less naughty than the black ones, good luck my friend.

26 Mar, 2014


Lol! :)) Thanks! Treats in all my pockets from now on Dawn!

26 Mar, 2014


Oh god reading this is bringing back all the labrador naughtiness lol, good luck Karen, remember when our pond was frozen finding Fudge stood in the middle of it aaaargh I was all of a dither just called him and shut my eyes,luckily he came running and not crashing to the depths lol, oh yes he could find any gap in the hedge we'd often loose him in the garden and he'd have took himself down the track at the bottom of the garden!!, never did find his escape route, yes Karen foods the answer lol Fudge was too clever there though knew when he came back he'd get a treat so he'd go a little way ahead then come back just for a treat and keep doing that the whole walk I had to get strict lol,don't think I could do it again either Dawn then again never say never ;-)
You'll have to watch where you walk in summer Dawn all that frog spawn they'll be everywhere, we had loads one year at the old house it was impossible to cut the grass.

27 Mar, 2014


Eeeeew! That last comment has almost made me barf! Lol!

27 Mar, 2014


Oh Kathy, they are all the same, arent they. Remember when Fudge found the take-away rubbish oh and the quality street tin. Bonnie's mission in life is to EAT!! What she's started doing now, in the evening is pretend she needs to go out, I've done the whole treat thing in the past to get her back in so now she goes out, moves away from the back door a few yards, pretending to go out for a wee or whatever and then returns to the door, waiting for the treat. Bonnie isnt really interested in going for a walk either, but its a chance to eat anything edible. Escape! We call her Mr Ben, there one min. and gone the next, we've never found out where she gets out either, little madam. Lying on her bed, at the mo, on her back, feet in the air, bless, she'll start pacing around soon as she knows its dinner time at 3 O'Clock, she usually starts an hour and half before the due time, lol.

27 Mar, 2014


They are obsessed with food Labradors aren't they....our little willow will fit in great with me...tow pigs in a poke! :))

Still queasy about mowing the toadlets!

27 Mar, 2014


Lol Karen, I must admit, the sound of a dull thud when mowing can signify an adult frog meeting its grief. The little ones are quite fast, they have to be how my OH whizzes about on the ride on.

27 Mar, 2014


Oh really......oh...thank goodness OH does it for you then because that would bring me to despair....squishing toads! It's bad enough when I emptied the compost bin the other day. It was full of worms, and every time I put the spade in.....a few more were chopped up.....bleugh! This must be why Buddhist monks sit around meditating all's almost impossible to do any outdoor work without squishing or slicing living things!

27 Mar, 2014


Oh heck yes the quality street a whole tin and several boxes of chocolates too over the years, the kids never learnt to put them out of his reach, amazed they had no ill effects well except for some very seasonal shiny wrapped poo lol, and remember how he pulled the Christmas tree over to get the chocolate decorations, the next year I didn't put any on but he remembered!!! and still pulled it over came into me with glitter all over his face dead giveaway, the strange thing was the Christmas after we lost him we got up boxing day morning to find the tree knocked over, spooky but made me smile to think maybe he was up to his old tricks.
Lol Bonnie sounds just the same they're just too clever, Mr Ben!!! great :-)))
I've got a picture in my head now of a frog bloodbath!! lol.

27 Mar, 2014


I'd love to meditate, dont know how, sounds good, just dont have time lol. I hate harming anything but when the robin is nearby when Im digging, I do throw him a worm or two.

27 Mar, 2014


Memories Kathy, brilliant. All that chocolate and no illness. The Christmas tree thing is weird. You must miss him so much. I was so upset one time when I held an icecream wooden stick for Bonnie to lick as she was hovering and wush, she grabbed it and swallowed it whole, was so worried, it never did come out, she must have digested it lol.

27 Mar, 2014


They must have stomachs like cement mixers lol, remember giving Fudge one of those hide strips you get from wilkinsons in packs of 5,he chewed it for ages getting himself in a state because he couldn't get through it, in the end when it had gone all soggy he swallowed it!!!! got it stuck in his throat Rob panicked I said hold his mouth open put my hand in and pulled it out not like me to act on impulse like that but silly dog was choking, they do some scary things don't they.
Then there was the remains of the dead rabbit that I didn't see him swallow while on a walk until we got home and he was sick before I could get him outside eeeeew that was awful,I must have vaxed that carpet four times.
Quite enjoying remembering yes he had his naughty moments but still a lovely dog :-)

27 Mar, 2014


Lovely dogs Kathy but woah! I can just imagine you getting the ball of soggy chew out, ha ha. They are so placid but so naughty. We bought Bonnie some of those chews that are supposed to clean their teeth, one gulp, gone, John said, well they are really usual for cleaning her teeth, lol. Bonnie often has a couple of days on just boiled rice as her stomach is upset, her delicacy is fox poo or cat poo or anybody's poo really, lol. Love her to bits, warts and all.

27 Mar, 2014


Every comment you make brings back another funny memory Dawn, aaaah yes poo now Fudges favourite was rabbit and yes the occasional cat he'd hear Symba scratching in his little tray look at me and it'd be a race who'd get there first, disgusting creatures lol.
There was a hilarious thread on here way back in 2009, the comments made me laugh so much I added it to faves and still go back for a laugh now and again a funny one that happened to poor Fudge on there, posted by Alzheimer whatever happened to Alzheimer? not been on here in ages.
Anyway here's the link if you ever fancy a read ;-)

28 Mar, 2014


Kathy, Alzheimer's blog was hilarious, thanks for that.
Lol I can just imagine the race to the cat litter tray. Bonnie loves cat poo, the fresher the better, lol. Did Fudge steal your slippers, or just the one. Whenever I nip outside and leave my slippers inside she nicks one and takes it to her bed as if to punish me for not taking her with me. I have this vision in my mind now of Fudge on Rob's back ha ha.

28 Mar, 2014


Oh glad you had a look Dawn remember that night never laughed so much my stomach ached lol.
Oh yes Fudge would always steal just one slipper when I went outside, his favourite was tea towels though I'd put them on the radiator to dry and he'd pinch them so I'd chase him,every one had a hole in little terror, that was a game he continued with even when he was really ill.
Oh now I've got that picture in my head again Rob with one very big strong lab on his back hilarious, glad he didn't try it with me!!! but we always said he preferred men, he'd always go for the male dogs on his walks never interested in the girls lol

29 Mar, 2014


The blog was so funny and Alz has seen and commented :)
Oh yes, the tea towels. Good old Fudge, the memories live on. Bonnie also like taking the towels and tea towels, her favorite thing was to chew the corner off, he he, all my kitchen towels looked the same, she doesnt do that now, lol. They would go through fire to get a dropped crumb, wouldnt they, bless.

29 Mar, 2014


Sounds like Fudge and Bonnie would have made a great pair, two peas in a pod lol.
I saw Alz had commented and yes the cats and pill one is just as funny have that on my faves as well :-)

30 Mar, 2014


Can you imagine the offspring they would have produced, lols ;). In fact, funnily enough, one time when Bonnie escaped, the fields behind us were full of broad bean crop, she finally returned a kind of bronze, copper colour from rubbing through them, a perfect cross between black and brown lab. Yes, we have ressurected Alz lol. I must go and read cats and pills.

30 Mar, 2014


I hope Karen is pursuing all these tales of labs, at the end of the day, lovely, funny, happy dogs x

30 Mar, 2014


Lol Homebird

6 Apr, 2014

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