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Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree Blooming

Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda  Tree Blooming (Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda  Tree)

This Jacaranda tree is in full bloom. The millions of Jacaranda trees here in San Diego, CA. started blooming in the middle of March. Photo taken at a shopping center a few blocks from my house. It has dozens of Jacaranda trees.

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This is soooo gorgeous. I love Jacaranda trees in bloom. Wish we could grow them here - though they do seem to grow rather big for a garden, well for our size garden anyway!!
I shall put this picture on my favourites.

23 Apr, 2014



Thanks! Jacaranda trees can be kept rather small at 20' (7m) tall. Most do grow pretty large. I have one in my front yard which is 50' (15m) tall. The branches get into the telephone lines and electrical wires and gets cut back by the city of San Diego every year. It's potential height here is more than 65' (20m) tall and almost as wide...although, most people keep their trees at 30' (10m) or slightly taller.

24 Apr, 2014

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