water feature half set up
By Franl155

22 Apr, 2014
I bought this when I still lived on the 7th floor;; it spent the next three years in the box until I moved into my prevous flat - when I set it up I found it'd only work for about an hour a day, cos that was all the direct sunlight I got there. so back into storage for another three years. I packed the pump and associated rubes separately; they're still to be found, but at least the rest of it is set up. Filled it with water from the butt, to give it something to do
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behind it, you mean? it's a bidet; I won it on Freecycle, it'll beome either a minipond or a water feature itself! need to get a pump and tubes and solar panel and stuff and have a go at making my own.
lol i didn't realise it'd be in the pic when I placed the water feature! I did try to corp it out, but not with total success, as your question proves.
The water feature was in an online sale, £40 when the regular price was about £80-90. even though I didn't have room for it, or any idea when I might have room for it, I bought it anyway.
The punp etc are probably packed with my "electrical" stuff; at least, that's where I'll start looking. I found the solar panel, but no cable; it's only a small panel and the front keeps falling off, so maybe I oculd do with antoher one - with battery backup, of possible.
ahh, soon, I hope, will hear the sound of chuckling water again ...
22 Apr, 2014
Loving the bidet Fran :) Couldn't you use it for soaking your feet after a hard day in the garden ;)
The water feature is a cracker! You bagged a bargain there.
23 Apr, 2014
thanks Scottish. The bidet's not connected to anything, no taps, though the drain works. it'd be a bit of a prob to get it to sowmhere I could use it - and to bale it out after, as the drain would let the water stright out on to whatever surface it's standing on.
I did buy an "inflatable footbath" from Kleeneze, it has three infate points, one of which seems not to want to hold air in, sigh.
The water feature is a goody, I had to grab it while it was so cheap, even though I knew it'd be years before it got used - if ever! but there's an incentive for me to do some more box-sorting, to find the rest of it.
24 Apr, 2014
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Um is that a loo Fran?
I like the water feature.....
22 Apr, 2014