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Young plants waiting for their new home

Young plants waiting for their new home

Seedlings of Cornflower, Verbena, Dianthus, Petunia and Campanula being hardened off

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Our patio tables come in very handy,don't they Sheila,for hardening off..Mine are in and out like a yo yo..They all look very healthy,and well on their way..I'm finding mine seem to be almost ready for planting,but of course I won't for a while overnight frost been forecast here for Thursday ,according to our local gardening programme this are going to have some lovely colour,with all those :o)

27 Apr, 2014


You are going to be very busy Sheila - a nice selection there.

27 Apr, 2014


Thanks Sandra and Angie . . . yes, desperate to get them all planted, but having to sit on my hands!

27 Apr, 2014


If the Campanula is the ones I sent, they shouldn't need hardening off, they were kept out doors all winter. Then again, if you've pampered them in that beautiful greenhouse of yours then them probably will :)

27 Apr, 2014


Thanks Angie . . . yes, they're the ones. They were only in the greenhouse briefly, and in fact all these plants have stayed out now for over a week. Still keeping an eye on the forecast though, and hope to get them planted after this coming week!

27 Apr, 2014


Now you see, this is precisely why I need a greenhouse! Lovely young plants :)

27 Apr, 2014


You do Karen . . . thanks :)

27 Apr, 2014

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