Geranium nodosum Blueberry Ice...
By Dottydaisy2
- 2 May, 2014
Love this HG......
Comments on this photo
That is lovely, DD2. Is it a neat mount or a sprawler? I have one called Jolly Bee which I love because it is so neat and tidy with lots of flowers. I thought I would get another as I am reluctant to disturb it to divide. I found out that it has been withdrawn (long drawn out law suit between two growers) because it is said to be the same as Roxanne but lots say Roxanne sprawls!
6 May, 2014
Gee it does make a nice mound with shiny leaves. I have Jolly Bee also, somewhere!! Moved it last year, but cannot remember where I put it lol!!
6 May, 2014
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This photo is of "Geranium nodosum Blueberry Ice." in Dottydaisy2's garden
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It is a beautiful blue HB....
5 May, 2014