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cotoneaster 20

cotoneaster 20


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Growing in between the fences by the looks of it.

13 May, 2014


yes, one of them is, the other one looks just inside my fence. I only found out yesterday when I cut back the weeds around the fence. I don't know if I can do anything about it, other than cutting my fence, but not sure I can take the plant up and reposition it.

13 May, 2014


I should maybe snip it off at the base without disturbing the fence if you can Fran. It is an uninvited guest and will take away the light and nourishment of anything you might decide to plant in your border.

14 May, 2014


I cut back a bit more today, and both cotoneasters are between the fences. so maybe I could save some berries from next time, then cut both cotoneasters right down and try growing my own. or buy another one, but plant it a bit more sympathetically!

14 May, 2014

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This photo is of "x Cotoneaster 20" in Franl155's garden

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