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Summer Sky

Summer Sky

More Idaho summer sky!

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Good shot.

17 Jul, 2008


Thanks Chrispook. How are things in your corner of the world? Or in other words, "How does your garden grow?!"

17 Jul, 2008



17 Jul, 2008


Hi Pollyannaever, It's pretty warm and sultry today, but we are having more rain than usual for Hungary. This means that our grass is much greener this year and most plants are happy. Last year they all got sun scorched so this is better. My sunflowers have grown into giants and look about 15 ft tall. I've just cleaned the blanket weed out of our ponds (nasty job). I'm hoping to put some more garden pics up soon, but we have had computer problems. Hope all is well in your part of the world.

17 Jul, 2008


Gorgeous skyline silhouette...!

18 Jul, 2008


Very beautiful and peaceful, it looks to me how I've always pictured a Canadian evening. [Bet it's no where near Canada!]

28 Jul, 2008


Breathtaking. A very good shot!

13 Aug, 2008


Very much like a Canadian evening, and you are not too far from us eh Pol, nice shot!

23 Aug, 2008


Yes Lorrainenagle, this is from my Daughters place near Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
It is very close to the Canadian Border, B.C. My home Province actually.

23 Aug, 2008

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