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The Floral Halls, Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline, Fife


By David

The Floral Halls, Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline, Fife

My dream garden, warm and weatherproof! But Id grow a lot more fruit and veggies in it.

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Could you not build an 'Awning' over the alleyway as sort of a large plastic greenhouse?
Oops, why am I encouraging you 'veggie' growers... Think flowers,pretty flowers...

18 Jul, 2008


I'm thinking, Grammazoo..................

19 Jul, 2008


"The King sits in Dunfermline towne, Drinking his blude rid wine..."
I can't remember the next stanza...old age is creeping up. Amen to the dream garden, David. Then no worries about the constant wind blowing the poor veggie bairns out of the ground!" ( err...flower bairns?! lol.)

24 Jul, 2008


Lori - sayin', "Whaur, o' whaur can I find a skeely (skilled) skipper
To sail this ship o' mine?". (The Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens (Spence).

Refers to Dunfermline as Capital of Scotland prior to Edinburgh, last ditch, and ill-fated, attempt to save the ancient Celtic monarchy lineage, Margaret the Maid of Norway, et al. (she was only 7 yrs old when she died en route). Our County, Fife, is the only remainbing official Kingdom in the UK. Veggies still need flowers to do really well, lol! :-)

25 Jul, 2008

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