Thistle pollen
By Tricky

17 Jul, 2008
Not from my garden... you might have guessed I love taking photo's of flowers. Most are from my garden or garden at work, I do my bit there!
I admit I snipped this flower from roadside, not far from my house, (it wasnt pollintating when I snipped it! but a day on window ledge in jar of water it started to show lots of pollen) and took it home for photography learning, I like it....
PS it is now in my garden for the bees and other wildlife to pillage for the next couple of days....
Life is nature...
Comments on this photo
Thanks David, I am also a bit cheeky, made friends with a lot of scots but you can see the full image here and my 'comment' !
18 Jul, 2008
beautiful close up
18 Jul, 2008
Oooh, Tricky! That's a bit below the sporran, ha, ha!
19 Jul, 2008
:-) @ David
Thanks Irish..
19 Jul, 2008
Tricky, I looked at all your amazing pics on flickr. Gr8 stuff there!
20 Jul, 2008
Thank David
I do try...
Got some good flowers coming in my front garden soon...
24 Jul, 2008
Fantastic photograph, do you have a specialist camera?
25 Sep, 2008
hello debrah
thanks, not a specialist camera, Nikon D70
27 Sep, 2008
Great shot! I love the black background, it really makes the colors pop!
28 Sep, 2008
Hi, Can you help please?
Onopordum acanthium has very large silvery grey leaves with a 'woolly' coating that lay on the ground, can you confirm I've got the right thistle?
I have MS and the large ground leaves from this plant can be boiled in water, the water saved, then frozen in the form of ice cubes. The resulting ice cubes are very medicinal for my condition. Once melted and honey has been added, the drink helps with MS Spasms each morning. I used this thistle many years ago but have lost track of any leaves from this specimen.
Can you help me by locate some of your ground leaves so I can make up some new medicine?
I appreciate your help and look forward to your reply.
28 Sep, 2010
Pictures by Tricky
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I like it, too, Tricky, fantastic detail! I'd let you off for being so naughty, hehe!
18 Jul, 2008