Half Standard Fuschia
By Bjs

11 Jul, 2014
In its fourth year trunk about an 1inch across now so fairly well able to support it self.
Comments on this photo
Truly magnificent, well done
12 Jul, 2014
I've never seen one this fabulous! That's quite an achievement Brian! Does it stay out all year around or is it a tender one?
12 Jul, 2014
Wow That is stunning Brian ,it should be in a Fuschia show !
12 Jul, 2014
Amy my showing days are over not that I ever showed Fuschias.
Karen Do not know the variety so have kept it frost free in winter.
12 Jul, 2014
Pooh...a challenge for Karen......:))
12 Jul, 2014
I think it's Jingle bells.
12 Jul, 2014
Jingle Bells is frost hardy.
12 Jul, 2014
Karen I will leave it out side next winter on your say so .Lol
12 Jul, 2014
Lol...don't you even think about daring to do that! Lol!
12 Jul, 2014
Ooh lovely underplanting too :-)
15 Jul, 2014
That is professional standards, and the underplanting sets it off a treat. Well done!
16 Jul, 2014
beautiful display bjs. gold standard I would say.
17 Jul, 2014
Brian it's spectacular it looks a bit like Nellie Nuttall .
Just been going through my fuchsia books.
I shall keep looking.
Also Ballerina is very similar to Brian.
18 Jul, 2014
Stunning display.....
2 Sep, 2014
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Fab Bjs
11 Jul, 2014