Preparing for dark days.
By Katarina

12 Oct, 2014
Comments on this photo
Well, if somebody lives in darkness, he needs lights. One match is enough for darkness to cease. If somebody lives in too much light, you cannot bring darkness there. So it is with wisdom.
(P.S. It was not me, this is masonic teaching).
12 Oct, 2014
I'm new to the idea of having lights outside - never had an outside before that needed lighting! I bought some solar lanterns that stick in the ground to mark the edge of the path to the front door, and recently bought another four cheap ones to put up behind the hedge on sticks - I have to get cabs a lot, and it's hard for me to see where the right house is - until we've passed it! I'm hoiping that now I can tell them to look for the hedge with lights :-)
I'd like proch lights, but solar power is a prob, as the door faces west and doesn't get sun till mid afternoon, and there won't me much sun at all come winter.
12 Oct, 2014
Katarina, where did you get that Masonic link? Your darkness and light stuff is actually straight out of the Bible :)
12 Oct, 2014
Hi Fran, what are "proch lights"? On Christmas I put 2-3 candelabres (like those up on the photo) into the tamarix crown, it makes atmosphere when snowing in evenings :-)
13 Oct, 2014
Cottagekarer@Is it? In what section? I have heard this from masons.
13 Oct, 2014
John 1:5 is what I was thinking of I think Katarina.... but I also had in my head a quote from St Francis of Assisi which I have also heard...but not from the bible, apologies.
"All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle".
Saint Francis of Assisi....a great hero of mine! :)
13 Oct, 2014
Ironic that it came to you from the Masonic cult, since everything they do is shrouded in secrecy and to me that is darkness.
13 Oct, 2014
Church has its very dark corners,too. Secret services do as well. Journalism, international politics - it is full of darkness. And yes, if we know nothing about something, then it is darkness for us. But it doesn t mean, that it is darkness indeed. Hard topic below cenadelabres, lol :-)
13 Oct, 2014
Oh, I agree. There is darkness everywhere Katarina. Keep your lanterns burning! :)
14 Oct, 2014
And don't hide your light beneath a bushel! Light is essential and a very powerful symbol. We never eat at the table without a candle. And we always light a candle if family are travelling or engaging in anything important - as much for our sake as theirs!
14 Oct, 2014
sorry, Kat - "porch lights" go up outside the front door, over the porch (or in it sometimes) to give some light tto the front door and the path to it from the street if the house is set back
15 Oct, 2014
"Let there be light" Genesis? Where would we gardeners be without photosynthesis No light, no life!
15 Oct, 2014
lol apart from the deep ocean volcanic vents! but that would be kind of limiting - certainly not much scope for gardening
17 Oct, 2014
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Lovely! I've put fairy lights around my gate post so I can see where my house is in the dark as I approach in the car. I hate the dark nights, but it doesn't really get too bad for me until Christmas, and by then, things are starting to get a bit lighter.
12 Oct, 2014