Bobby & Rubi in their cage 09-11-2014 001
By Balcony

9 Nov, 2014
Bobby (Green) & Rubi (Yellow) in their cage
Comments on this photo
Thank you, actually they are my wife's as our daughter gave them to her as a retirement & Christmas present last year! We both look after them though.
The colours are not a true representation. Bobby isn't such a vivid green nor is Rubi such a orangey yellow. She's quite a pale yellow actually. They are both females even though Bobby may be a boy's name. Our granddaughter named them before their sexes were clear so now they have to stay with their names!
10 Nov, 2014
Both those names are suitable for male and female.
Cameras don't always produce the exact colour, but when I photograph Crocus budgie, the picture colours are very close to reality.
10 Nov, 2014
Pretty colours.... my sky is blue... I used to have a green one called Beauty.... they come in such lovely colours and great company... :))
11 Nov, 2014
Holly ... we've not see a pic of Sky lately ?
Maybe soon ? :o)
11 Nov, 2014
You are quite right, Holly, they are great company - but terribly noisy as well! I sometimes have to cover them up as their screeching hurts my ears! They do have some nice colours as well!
My dad used to keep dozens of them, not for breeding, even though he had a couple of nesting boxes. One or two would occasionally lay an egg but my mum was always so curious that she lifted up the wood slide, that covered a piece of glass, at the back of the nesting boxes so often that the birds would eat the eggs & so we never did get to see any baby budgie chicks!
17 Nov, 2014
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Bobby's green colour is fascinating.
10 Nov, 2014