For Aunty Karen x
By Oliveoil

3 Dec, 2014
Comments on this photo
You are welcome, she has had them up most of the night, think Kevin is sending her back lol. She will settle eventually it all takes time doesn't it!
3 Dec, 2014
Do you remember Rachel that I used to live in Golders Green with? She didn't get a nights sleep for 5 YEARS!! So, it all depends doesn't it. Let's hope she settles down soon...perhaps when the proper milk starts to flow it will get much better.
3 Dec, 2014
She will settle eventually, they have been a walk today so the fresh air might work magic. Sarah was off to get a nap just after tea time so as long as she gets some sleep she will feel better.
3 Dec, 2014
Cute as a kitten.
3 Dec, 2014
Just gorgeous! (my first was still waking up at night long after my second had started sleeping all night. He eventually slept through some time after his third birthday. Don't tell Kevin that!)
3 Dec, 2014
A walk is just what they needed I bet. They will be knocked sideways, as we all were after our first arrival. nothing can prepare you can it? The elation...the exhaustion....the sheer terror of the responsibility and the realisation that you are now a slave for life!! Lol!
4 Dec, 2014
She's such a little beauty. I really thought that my Ella would have baby no.2 on the way by now but after such an early start she seems to have slowed down Lol! Ella slept for 12 hours on her first night and has continued to do so ever since, poor Riley has to shout to wake her ;O)))xx
4 Dec, 2014
Slave for life is so true Karen!
4 Dec, 2014
the best kind of slavery ever! I would not have missed it for the world. I love all my kids, they are all different and all very special. Although I DO NOT miss the sleepless nights. OH NO!
Lottie is calling in tomorrow to see me after her photo shoot session in Lincoln - hope she co-operates lol. will post some more pictures when we have them from the photographer. lol. you will all be bored silly with me and my pictures of little Lottie shortly, lol.
No gardening being done down this end. lol too many other things going on. lol.
Thank you everyone for looking in on our little treasure.
4 Dec, 2014
A lovely photo. She looks so tranquil.
I've only found out since my own grandchildren have been born, how many babies suffer from colic, even when breast fed.
My daughter-in-law (who is a nurse) has told me that a babies internal organs haven't fully finished developing. Colic is therefore common at anytime up to 4months old. It also tends to be worse at night. All is not lost, she tells me there is medication available, even for breastfed babies. I'm sure Kevin will get survive lol!
5 Dec, 2014
Wee beauty xxx
5 Dec, 2014
thanks everyone, she was more settled last night. Had a photo shoot done tonight. Lottie was not impressed, will post pictures eventually when we have them back from photographer.
5 Dec, 2014
So beautiful isn't she........I hope Lottie settles in to a routine soon.
9 Dec, 2014
Thank you Dotty sure she will eventually. They are so small and need their mums constantly at so young an age. When we had given birth all those years ago, we were not allowed home until after 10 days they are out as soon as they are born these days and into the outside world so quickly. Think new mums must wonder what has hit them. Life is never quite the same again after giving birth. Off out with them both on Monday so I shall be able to have another cuddle. lol. Kevin is back at work so I shall be their support for the day. So looking forward to it.:O)
10 Dec, 2014
Like you I had ten days in hospital, didn't even have to feed the babies in the night, nurses bottle fed them, and by the time we went home baby was in a routine, we knew how to bath, put on a nappy etc......made lasting friends, laughed so much nearly split my stitches, enjoyed every minute of those ten days, and Emma my first born will be 50 next June!!
11 Dec, 2014
lol 'Those were the days my friend' lol :O) there must be a song in there somewhere. lol
12 Dec, 2014
☺?? lol.
14 Dec, 2014
She is so sweet and adorable.
You must so look forward to each visit.
19 Jan, 2015
I do, she is coming over on Wednesday all being well. :O)
19 Jan, 2015
Grandad is not as keen, he is not into babies, likes them when they are toddling around much more, we know he will be brilliant after the nappy stage lol. he has always been the same, think he is frightened to hold them when they are so small, he does get a lot of stick from everyone because he dare not hold her. lol you can see the fear on his face. lol. but that's ok cos I get twice as many times to cuddle her. lol.
20 Jan, 2015
I think men were encouraged to think they were totally useless where babies are concerned. My ma-in-law was living with us when my three were born, and she always wrested the babies from OH's arms if they so much as wriggled. My son-in-law, on the other hand, is the perfect Dad and househusband while daughter is working. They learned together - just as I had to learn - all about nappies, colic, teething and all the rest. Vive la difference, I say, but some things are not necessarily gender-specific!
20 Jan, 2015
Great to see photos of Lottie, Olive. :-)) I also put some photos up in a blog a few days ago of three of our five gkids. Two were of our Spanish gdaughters, the other was of our most recent gson, born only a few months ago.
I've handled our 5 gkids almost from the day they were born. Mind you I've only changed the nappies of the 2 oldest - when they were left in my care & I had no other choice! :-D) Something I never did with our 3 kids when they were of that age! Though I did have to help my wife on occasions with our 2nd as he always managed to get himself into a right old pickle!!!
They DO grow so fast, don't they? In just over 7 years we have had 5 gkids! Unfortunately our kids started very late in life & my wife & I thought we would never hold gkids in our arms - now we have 5! We are OAP (62 & 64 - at the moment though soon to add another one to both in the coming months!) ;-) & find we tire more easily with each new arrival! :-((
21 Jan, 2015
lol Homebird, that is so very funny, I can just see him doing it. :O)
I too love how the dads get involved these days, its great to see them hands on.
21 Jan, 2015
It is certainly a great experience having grandkids Balcony. Lottie has been here most of today and I have had so much fun with her, she is trying to communicate, in her own little way, smiling and gurgling away when I talk to her and only 7 weeks old. So strong and as bright as a button. :O)
21 Jan, 2015
Sounds like you are talking about George! Lol! :-D)
21 Jan, 2015
enjoy Balcony they do grow up so quickly :O)
22 Jan, 2015
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Aw...she's a treasure! Thank you for putting this on for me. So much hair!
3 Dec, 2014