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A Lovely Gourd (A Gift From Amy)

 A Lovely Gourd (A Gift From Amy) (Gourd)

I have just varnished the lovely Gourd which I plan to put in a Christmas display, will post a picture when its completed. Thanks Again Amy.

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Wow, that's lovely!

6 Dec, 2014


That looks fabulous Carole it should last for ages ,I've varnished a few of mine and put them in a basket ....

7 Dec, 2014


Well done Carole ... it looks great!

7 Dec, 2014


Thanks Karen and Shirley and of course Amy [bet they look fantastic in a basket!,dont know what Robin will make of it, probably want to eat it lol]

7 Dec, 2014


Oh NO ! It won't look so good with teeth marks Carole Lol ....

7 Dec, 2014


Ha Ha Amy Robin spotted it straight away and asked was it a Pumpkin [clever boy] he didnt attempt to bite it thank goodness so its in tact! he did get his teeth into my Choclate coconut cake though lol

7 Dec, 2014


Did Robin save some of your delicious chocolate coconut cake for me Carole it sound yummy I love chocolate and coconut ! Do I remember Robin planting a Pumpkin seed with you in a pot ? ....

7 Dec, 2014


Im afraid all the Cake went Amy lol
I did plant a pumkin seed but nothing happened !! But you can view the Chocolate Coconut just put a picture on;0)

7 Dec, 2014


Ah Shame ,I wondered if that was the reason Robin knew the Gourd might be a Pumpkin he remembered it !!

7 Dec, 2014


That looks great Carole! You are clever growing these Amy, I've never been able to get them going, even my butternut squashes stayed tiny.....then I pulled them!

7 Dec, 2014


I wish you lived closer Janey you could have some :o))

7 Dec, 2014


Isnt it a shame the most of our very best friends live so far apart;0) Sandra and I have been very lucky living quite near ;0)

7 Dec, 2014

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