Red Legged Partridge ?
By Simbad

19 Mar, 2015
Well I saw Phil the pheasant in the garden today and thought he'd found a couple of lady friends but after fetching the binoculars I think they're a couple of red legged partridge,couldn't see the legs though, picture quality not good as taken from the bedroom window.
Comments on this photo
Wow I would love to have seen them;0)
19 Mar, 2015
Nice arent they. We get them occasionally :)
19 Mar, 2015
How sweet you lucky girl
19 Mar, 2015
I've never seen one before Gg , the grey i have,so was quite excited lol, a bit worried about all the cats we get in the garden until Rob opened the window to try and get a better picture and I saw how fast they run lol.Lucky you having the buzzard so close !!.How are your beesc? waking up slowly I should think ,I still think of you receiving your queen bee through the post and driving down the motorway with those bees you rescued in your car lol.
Thanks Carole :-)
Lucky you Dawn I want your owls that'd really make my year!!!
Aren't they cute 3d hope they don't get clever like Phi though he's learnt to jump up at the seed feeder and empty it all over the floor lol, and does it every day!
20 Mar, 2015
You are lucky to have these visitors we have a pair of pheasants Mr & Mrs Charlie we call them, they feed under the bird feeders ...they move quickly as well I can't even move near the window before they are off ...
20 Mar, 2015
Lol you can have the squirrel that comes in my garden if you like Zimbabwe ate all my bowl of Crocus I got from Aldi now it's digging in my plant pots for the Freesias if I ve got any left. This morning it's now diging in my Hydrangea pot. Think I 'll get a pea shooter and sit in wait.
20 Mar, 2015
Pheasant, woodcock last year now partridge Amy i can feel one of those 4 bird roasts coming on ;-) joke!! I love to see all the wildlife they're safe here.
No 3d !!!! I've got one you can have he doesn't so much dig bulbs up but he's great at planting conkers everywhere lol, now the pea shooters a good idea I disturbed ours once and he fell in the pond! he was not happy,I ran to get the net but he got out on his own ran off making a right racket think he was hurling abuse at me lol.
20 Mar, 2015
Zimbabwe how did he get that name lol.
20 Mar, 2015
Us lot and our wildlife, love it. Have you got anywhere to put an owl box Kathy? I heard them again last night, so my fingers are crossed.
20 Mar, 2015
The way Robs chopping trees Dawn not for much longer!! Lol. We do have a couple of big horse chestnuts with the preservation orders,I'll have a look tomorrow and see which others look big enough, we do have owls in the garden sometimes i've heard them,think they live in the cemetery over the road, so suppose it wouldn't be too hard to attract them with a nest box. Bad news is the magpies that nested in one horse chestnut last year are starting to show an interest in the old nest again.
20 Mar, 2015
had a little white Egret feeding at the back of my house on the river , they are so shy no chance of a photo sorry.
Bees have all survived the winter and are doing well I had lunch at the apiary today sitting in the sun watching them coming and going with bright orange pollen and bright yellow.
Yes the hive in the back of the car that opened slightly and they were piling out as I was driving on the M4 its a day I will never forget I had had to open all the windows so glad I had electric ones , the sweat pouring from me in fear lol and when I parked I jumped out and grabbed my bee suit and quickly put that on !!!
20 Mar, 2015
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Hi Simbad
"white chin and throat patch" gave it away
it was a toss up between the grey partridge but I think the same as you red legged.
Nice to have in the garden though , I had a buzzard siting on next door but one fence for 3 hours it wouldn't budge , the seagulls crows and magpies were going crazy but it took the two resident Ravens to shift it in the end.
The noise out of all the birds was weird trying to relax in the garden
19 Mar, 2015