The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Amy


First this year in the garden ....

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Bloomin eck! Well done Amy!

29 Apr, 2015



29 Apr, 2015


So early, wow

29 Apr, 2015


Not me ! the veg garden is down to hubby , my job is to eat it :o)

29 Apr, 2015


Look lovely , although radish is one thing I don't like lol.

30 Apr, 2015


I like your style Amy. Im sowing some this weekend in my raised bed in the greenhouse and lettuce.

1 May, 2015


Kathy I like them when they are young and tender like this not so much as they get older , Thats an ideal way to grow early spring veg Dawn sadly we don't have the room we have friends who get a lovely early crop of Potatoes and Strawberries in there poly tunnel plus all sorts of other stuff a nice place to work in when its wet outside to ...

1 May, 2015


Its a good plan to grow that way in early spring because it keeps things frost free before scorching summer sun.

1 May, 2015


They look good enough to eat :)

3 May, 2015


They look yummy, Amy, bet they didn't last long. Lovely to munch on when young and fresh :)

3 May, 2015


They were Philip ,they didn't last long Gill they were just how I like them :o)

5 May, 2015


Thanks every things growing well the Peas are up also the potatoes and shallots ,we're not growing main crop onions this year we've decided as they are so cheap at the farm shop its not worth it ,I have a row of garlic plus a couple of cloves of Elephant garlic I'm surprised at the difference in the leaves the E.garlic leaves are huge , Leeks are through spring onions only just ,strawberries have flowers , Gooseberres ,Blackberries ,Blueberries are looking to be a good crop ,not much to see on the Raspberries yet , how about yours are they looking good ?

6 May, 2015


Hubby ridges the spuds as they grow to save them from the frost a little frost wont do a lot of damage , he says the Carrots shouldn't be sown until mid May but that he often sows them before that , also it helps to surround them with a 2ft high clear polythene fence the carrot fly can't fly that high , the carrot fly pupae overwinters in the soil so its essential to practice crop rotation if you are growing them in the same place you will have carrot fly this year . we have grown leeks from seed this year but are beginning to think it saves time and patience to buy the plants from a market or nursery the same with tomatoes peppers etc. let someone else do the worrying ! we've been eating cauliflowers this week they are quite small it annoyed me so much when we called at a farm veg place where they were selling 3 huge caulies for £1. is it worth it !

6 May, 2015

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