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Verbascum chaixii


By Siris

Verbascum chaixii (Verbascum chaixii (Nettle-leafed mullein))

Close up of the flower spike.

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Your plants doing well Siris and I have seedlings!, it's lovely.......,

16 Jun, 2015


I love this plant, bought a yellow one a few years ago, never saw it again lol

16 Jun, 2015


It's lovely...I may try this one when I dig/plant up my new borders. I think it would look good with some of the tall grasses that I intend planting.
Is yours a heavy soil(like mine) or do you have a lighter, well draining soil, Siris.

17 Jun, 2015


Hi paul, my soil is really dry in summer, really squadgy in winter. Two spades depth down there is a clay layer, yellow and grey. But we have been here 40 years, so much improved.
The verbascum, I don't think you can go wrong with it, but if space is precious, like my garden it has v, large leaves, I cut my lower ones off, and a very large root. Seeds itself v easily, so easily replaced. Not long lived. Mine usually last about 3-4 years. And caterpillars, first year!

17 Jun, 2015


Thanks, Siris, so similar soil to mine, then, I think.
I grew the Mullion type Verbascums at my last garden(even heavier clay) but some of the smaller, more delicate varieties that I tried didn't do very well and died off after a couple of years!
I shall try this one when I plant the borders(hopefully later this summer/early autumn after I've the borders out and dug in some grit to help drainage.

17 Jun, 2015


I don't think many of them are particularly long lived.

17 Jun, 2015 would seem not.Some, are in fact biennials.

17 Jun, 2015


Just looking at date on this,16th June I had seedlings, today I have first flowers ! :-)

27 Jul, 2015


That's good going Simbad, 6 weeks to flower spike. The one in my back garden has 3 robust spikes, each with perhaps another 6 spikelets.

27 Jul, 2015


I pricked out 5, trying to be good and only prick out what I know I have room for its very hard lol, 3 are flowering only 1"spike each and only about 2ft tall but I wasn't expecting any to flower so really pleased :-)

29 Jul, 2015


That is good fortune Simbad, deadhead if you don't want seedlings everywhere. Seedlings look like foxglove leaves only coarser.

29 Jul, 2015

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