By Green_finger

7 Jul, 2015
Comments on this photo
Wells, the Halesia's are native to the southeastern United States from South Carolina and Florida west to eastern Texas.They prefer a slightly acid soil.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 4 - 9. Carolina silverbells: USDA Zones 4-8; Two-winged silverbells: Zones 6-9.
You might find this link helpful: http://mobile.floridata.com/Plants/Styracaceae/Halesia%20spp./272
8 Jul, 2015
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This photo is of "Halesia / Snowdrop tree" in Green_finger's garden
Now I get it. so glad you posted the tree. Suffolk must have a warmish climate? You seem to have plants, trees, we cannot in Vermont.
8 Jul, 2015