Amaryllis belladonna

18 Sep, 2015
It is now the turn of the pink belladonnas to flower - usually about a month after the white ones start.
Comments on this photo
You probably have Hippeastrum, which has the common name of Amaryllis, or maybe Lycoris or Nerine. This is the species Amaryllis. There are 2 colours - white and shades of pink. They are often called Naked Ladies because the flower comes before the leaves, and the leaves grow all winter.
19 Sep, 2015
The leaves on mine were already there when the bulbs flowered.
19 Sep, 2015
That means it is a Hippeastrum. The leaves on my white Amaryllis are only now beginning to emerge, and the seeds are almost ripe.
20 Sep, 2015
Lovely colour....
Siris I have two flowers open on the ones you sent me pic later ;-)
21 Sep, 2015
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That is pretty, my red one (indoors) has just finished.
18 Sep, 2015