Moraea polystachya

7 Oct, 2015
One of my newest bulbs. A native of South Africa. These are much easier to grow from seed than the Gladiolus. Started in the fall and given fluctuating temperatures, they germinate in about a month. They like being dry in summer, so no need to water. However, they don't like frost.
Comments on this photo
The colours wonderful.
7 Oct, 2015
I need something for the winter, so I have started growing Moraeas and Gladioli. The first seeds of Moraea huttonii have already started germinating.
7 Oct, 2015
I must check the RHS seed list when it comes out as I know there were some Moraea on it one year, wasn't sure how easy they were to germinate though but if you say easy I may give them a go :-)
That's if I have room I took advantage of a 10 packets for £10 offer Thompson and Morgan had over the weekend, did only buy things I knew I had room for though mainly several different foxgloves for the wood:-)
7 Oct, 2015
I leave my Gladiolus in the ground over winter, but I do live in the warmer South of the UK.
8 Oct, 2015
You have the hybrid types. My species types (there are 225 of them!) have started to grow, and they should have the first flowers in January. They need to remain at a minimum of 50°F during the winter and dry during the summer. They don't get very tall, maybe 18". There are some summer growing ones, but I haven't gotten the seeds ... yet. Germinating Moraea seeds is easier than the glads.
8 Oct, 2015
Had no idea, Wylie, that there were so many Glad species. Only have G. papilio and byzantinus, blooming nuisance, go walk about! And acidanthera which goes into the garage overwinter.
9 Oct, 2015
There are 220 species in the Moraea group, so it should take up a lot of space for them as I am able to get more seeds - I got seeds for 4 species of Moraeas and 2 species of Gladioli in the mail today.
9 Oct, 2015
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I do like this, but have enough frost tender plants to nurture.
7 Oct, 2015