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Flower of Meyer lemon - Citrus × meyeri

Flower of Meyer lemon - Citrus × meyeri  (Citrus × meyeri)

cross between a true lemon and either a mandarin or common orange.

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Good photo Klahanie ...

7 Nov, 2015


Thank you Amy.

7 Nov, 2015


I didn't know Lemon Meyer was an 'orange' cross. They certainly taste ok in G & T.

8 Nov, 2015


I also learn something new almost every day on this website (GOY). I personally like a lime in my G&T :-)

In the past we could not find a regular yellow lemon in Mexico. They only use limes. It is OK for G&T and Margaritas but I need lemon in my tea and cooking dishes. Last year was the first time I got some yellow lemons. We can get kilo of limes for 50 cents at market places but lemons are very expensive.

8 Nov, 2015


That is strange not being able easily to get lemons, but I do believe Key Lime is a native of Mexico.

10 Nov, 2015

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