Bismarckia nobilis - Bismarck Palm
By Delonix1
- 22 Nov, 2015
Several Bismarck palms were planted a few years back in the parking lot at the San Diego Zoo. They have grow extremely fast during the very hot winter and summer temps we've had the last two years. Photo taken on a hot 90ºF (32ºC) day, Nov. 21, 2015.
Comments on this photo
My favourite palm.
22 Nov, 2015
Thanks for the comments. :>)
23 Nov, 2015
90?! I thought 73f here was warm.
Later this week our first below 40f night temps. One says high thirties and another gives worst case, 33f and 34f four mornings in a row
23 Nov, 2015
Yes, it was in the low 90's for many areas around San Diego County on Saturday. It's been in the low to upper 80's for the other days since last Thursday. Today it was 80 degrees by 10 a.m here. The much cooler will return starting on Wednesday. It's going to be a shock considering how hot it's been.
Yes, I did see that is going to be pretty cold in the Bay Area starting tomorrow. This is the same cold front which will be heading our way (of course, not as cold, though).
24 Nov, 2015
Wow, they are enormous! And they only took a couple of years to reach that kind of size! WOW!
25 Nov, 2015
It's a fast-growing palm. It was put in as about a 5 or 6' tree a few years ago. The fronds are gigantic on this palm...this is why it's such a popular palm here in San Diego and throughout Southern California.
26 Nov, 2015
It's one of my favorite palms. Oddly, it's considered a slow grower here in Phoenix, but that's really only in comparison to Mexican Fan Palms (Washingtonia robusta) and Queen Palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana), which are two of the fastest growing palms that I am aware of. One of Madagascar's more beautiful children!
Delonix, does anyone in San Diego grow it's green-leaved form from coastal Madagascar? I'm curious to see what it looks like, though though the info I have on it seems to make its survival in the desert unlikely.
28 Nov, 2015
I've seen photos- a post - of a Arizona gardener who had the green form. It loves the heat,looked perfect.
I wouldn't doubt Phoenix can grow Coconuts in the city bubble of warming.
29 Nov, 2015
Actually a little too hot in the summer for coconuts, here, and we still have too many nights below 45º F, too. Was that post on GoY, Stan? If so, where?
29 Nov, 2015
Delonix, I just saw your photo of the green form from 2008--it looks softer than the gray form, doesn't it?
29 Nov, 2015
I just posted one with these photos I took on the same day of a green Bismarckia at the San Diego Zoo. There's a few there. It's not as impressive as the silver, white form. The green form is very tropical. It grows very well here; however, in most of California it's just too tropical.
30 Nov, 2015
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What an I,prestige specimen.....ha ha, the Palm!
22 Nov, 2015