Leucodendron argentea.
By Stan510
- 9 Jan, 2016
- 1 like
The great Silver tree. Looking very good considering that they have a reputation for being sensitive to everything- temps-water quality- fertilisers and more.
Comments on this photo
Yes. Like the Proteas,they hate too much soil enhancements.
They grow great in San Francisco..but the largest Ive seen there were in GGP and needed some pruning. They let it get leggy.
So were the Brugs.
This person might grow them better.
14 Jan, 2016
Yes, they definitely don't like wet soil. They grow best on the side of hills or slopes.
Have you ever seen the Protea collection at the University of Santa Cruz? It's a very impressive collection.
16 Jan, 2016
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These are some beauties. I though they grow very well up there. They're native to South African, right?
13 Jan, 2016