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Another pic for Gnarly


By Siris

Another pic for Gnarly  (Iris (Tall Bearded))

Gypsy Lord, pictured June 2015 at Cayeux, last day of their Open fields event, hence probably a late flowering variety.

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G-g, Went to both Gombault and Cayeux Open Days last year, have masses of photos from there, only a few of which are on my previous 2015 blog. Pity, can't buy on site though.

14 Jan, 2016


Beautiful, I can see why you love them...

14 Jan, 2016


Hi Siris

Another stunner, lost sales on the day then !!! daft !!
so you cant buy any Iris , do they sell in pots as they are missing a trick .... can you bring them back from France ? I should imagine you could.
My mum brought me a plant back from Spain and told me it was in the greenhouse , when I went in a huge 8 inch black hairy spider sitting on the top of the plant !!! which I saw through the glass !!! as soon as I opend the door it shot off I never found it again !!!

thank you

14 Jan, 2016


They are so lovely.

14 Jan, 2016


G-g, neither sell Iris in pots, only bare rooted by mail order, and only open about 3 weeks each season. Not the time to be digging them up in flower. Cayeux is massive.
Linda, they are not called the rainbow flower for nothing, every colour imaginable except a brick red.

16 Jan, 2016


always a colour with a plant they are after so "brick red" for Iris , and trying to get a blue with daylily .

You would think they would sell some in pots as Homebase does lol.

17 Jan, 2016


G-g, just broken my N Y Iris resolution! But I won't put them in my virtual garden till my order is in the ground.

17 Jan, 2016


well tell all on here .... mine are staying on lol

17 Jan, 2016


Gg, just put in another Iris order with a UK supplier, who has just responded to say not sure they will be able to fulfil the order as has not be a good winter, and will let me know in May. So glad I don't put plants into my virtual garden before receipt!

15 Mar, 2016


Hi Siris

you told me you had no space because of all the seedlings you have lol

15 Mar, 2016


Fibbed, have got a shoe horn, but I don't think I am going to get this new order.

15 Mar, 2016


least they were honest with you and didnt try and fob you off with other plants

15 Mar, 2016


Ah, Gg the seedlings are going in my terracotta tubs for a couple of years, cause the seedlings from 2 years ago that I put in the nursery place in the garden have been decimated by slugs.
I particularly wanted a spotted Iris, the nursery said they would let me know what they had in May and re-invoice then. I will probably cancel if they can't supply, saves the problem of where to put.

16 Mar, 2016


what variety of the spotted are you after ? so I can have a look

16 Mar, 2016


Gg, Roman Carnival ,actually put in an order for 4 different others, in order to make the postage worthwhile. Splashacata and Celestial Explosion are nicer spotteds, available from Cayeux, but they are such a massive set up they tell you when they will despatch, in order of order receipt. That would not suit me.

18 Mar, 2016


oohh very nice

lots in America for sale !!! typical and only $4.50

S-violet,style arms purple F-white,overall stippling & dotting purple B-rusty orange;
Purple Pepper X Rose Tattoo

18 Mar, 2016

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