Winter Comes Barreling In
By Bathgate

23 Jan, 2016
The Honeymoon is over guys! If you can just hear the sound - a constant doleful moan.
Comments on this photo
Yep, it's bad. Today is definitely laundry day!
23 Jan, 2016
yes, I saw the USA snow on the TV news ... scary ...
23 Jan, 2016
Take care and keep warm Bathgate. That looks very cold.
23 Jan, 2016
I haven't 'liked' for the snow,'s for the lovely photo..It looks so pristine..until someone walks on it..! At least everyone was told in advance,what was to be expected...even we all has featured a lot on our Weather reports..let's hope no one suffers as a result,and stays home as requested..stay safe and snug ,both of you :o) x
23 Jan, 2016
Thanks Terra, Klahanie & Sandra. All I can do is wait it out. It's that constant moaning and howling of the wind that gets you frazzled. I'll be so happy one it blows over. Tomorrow will be sunny. I hope the storm dies out over the Atlantic before it gets to you, but this IS winter.
23 Jan, 2016
I hope it doesn't come here either..but not a lot we can do about it..I hope you get sunshine tomorrow and the wind stops howling..We are forecast a good day here ,with higher temperatures...It will be a nice boost to Morale :o)
23 Jan, 2016
I hope you are ok Bg, such a change in your weather.
23 Jan, 2016
Thanks Siris, things are winding down. I have lots of digging to do.
24 Jan, 2016
You were on my mind when we were watching the weather forecast on the news Paul I hope you have plenty of food /supplies and that it doesn't last long , keep warm and cheerful ....
24 Jan, 2016
I hope you are all right. It looks dreadful on the news :(
24 Jan, 2016
Thanks Hywel. It was horrendous. I thought my house was about to collapse. That ominous groan of the wind really gets you frazzled. It's over, and I'm just digging out. I actually enjoy shoveling snow but man the place looks like a moonscape.
24 Jan, 2016
Hi Paul
Thanks for the update happy you are safe and sound , people forget the weight of snow on roofs !!
Its going to miss the UK and just turn into rain (whats new)
but I am glad.
24 Jan, 2016
OH lucky you. Thanks for 'holding my hand' through this. I hope it just dies out over the Atlantic where it won't menace anybody else. That was a record storm for us. It's just a matter of getting back to life as usual - for now.
24 Jan, 2016
I thought of you too, especially when I saw the awful reports of empty supermarket shelves on our news! But then I thought about how busy you could be in that wonderful Kitchen of yours - Making up wonderful soups and warming meals...! ;o)
25 Jan, 2016
Wow! I can't imagine so much snow...especially when it's in the 70's here in San Diego. I hope you get some warmer calmer weather soon!
We had some really strong storms at the beginning of the year which caused a lot of flooding. Now, it's been pretty dry and warm.
26 Jan, 2016
Thanks Tracey; I've learned a long time ago to keep the pantry stocked at all times. The kitchen is well used. Didn't you also have a renovation? I thought you mentioned it to me.
You are so lucky Del. San Diego has perfect weather everyday. I hope the rains abated the drought somewhat.
26 Jan, 2016
Yes, I did have a complete new Kitchen last summer and I'm really pleased with it... ;o)
26 Jan, 2016
Hi Paul
Just thought I would share with you the weather in the UK
Heavy rain, gale force winds !!! and localised flooding!!
26 Jan, 2016
65f sunny degree's here..right on the edge of silicon valley Paul!
And our climate is getting warmer,not deeper in snow by the year.
27 Jan, 2016
Almost every day is a perfect day in San Diego. We need a lot more rain to relieve the drought here in San Diego, though.
Today, I had such a beautiful day at the San Diego Zoo. Almost everyone had shorts and short sleeve shirts. It's going to stay relatively warm: 74 - 79ºF. through Saturday...then rain returns. Yay for rain! :>)
27 Jan, 2016
Let's all pack our bags and move to San Diego, California!!
Tracey: With brand new kitchens, being housebound because of the weather ain't so terrible - just make an apple pie and a pot of fresh coffee - everything will be fine!!
Gg, Sounds like you got my storm, yikes!! At least you won't have to deal with back breaking post storm digging. We are still in recovery mode. I hope it ends quickly. It's a nasty one nevertheless!
Yey for rain in San Diego, CA! I hope it continues. You'll really need it in Spring and Summer for the crops. California feeds the world.
27 Jan, 2016
Hi Paul, we've had high winds and some rain, but I think other parts of the country have had it worse. It's raining this morning, and the ground is so sodden already. It's 11 degrees outside and really warm for this time of the year.
27 Jan, 2016
I think you are getting off easy on this one Linda. Enjoy the nice weather. What winter? :)
27 Jan, 2016
It looks lovely Paul, but, you can keep it!
27 Jan, 2016
Weatherwise everyday here is nice. If 60-65f is warm enough this time of year for you. Then,we go up to 75-80 in mid summer.
People weather if a bit short of tropical plant explosive.
Hawaii is nice if paying 9$ for a box of cereal is fine with you...
Lets all move to Chapala. The best of all.
27 Jan, 2016
It already went bon voyage across the Atlantic to you Paul, but I think you got it in rain form.
Stan - The Carolinas are a gardeners dream. Magnolias don't turn to chocolate ice cream cones and gardenias on every corner! Everything is cheap too.
28 Jan, 2016
Myrtle Beach gets a lot of time on Home Hunters tv. Spanish moss and Palmeto's.
Humidity and mosquitoes are the cope-with things.
Paul,my in laws live in South Florida,last they visited he asked if we have mosquitoes? I told him you need water to have those! summer puddles here- ever.
28 Jan, 2016
Yes, Paul.......rain and really strong winds by the time it got here. The wind has died down today, thankfully, and no rain so I will be going out in the green in a moment to dig some muck into my veg patch!
28 Jan, 2016
that's a good idea, Spring in just a couple months away. Things will be popping like gangbusters.
28 Jan, 2016
..Get your muck dug in quickly,Paul 2..we are in for a lot more wet stuff from tonight,into the weekend here ..such fun ! I hope it passes you by....
28 Jan, 2016
Oh blimey Bloomer......not again. I got the muck dug in(as in my latest blog) .Its been a lovely day but cold now the sun's gone in.
28 Jan, 2016
Only just seen your photo, Paul. I have to be honest I hadn't connected the storm hitting the USA with you and your home. My geography is dreadful. I'm so glad you didn't come to any harm and that you and your home have come through unscathed. Let's hope that's it as far as winter is concerned this year. Stay safe Paul.
30 Jan, 2016
Thank you so much Julia. We hadn't gotten anymore since. This was a nasty storm
31 Jan, 2016
so I heard! We've just be told storm 'Henry' is its way to us, with yet more wind and yes, rain...sigh!
31 Jan, 2016
Good job we met up last week Julia,instead of this...let's hope it isn't as bad as forecast...another sigh !
1 Feb, 2016
I know, I swear I'm going to hibernate next year!
2 Feb, 2016
Oh no ,you aren't ! .. who am I going to have lunch with ??? :o)
2 Feb, 2016
Nice to know I'm good for something anyway lol!
2 Feb, 2016
Well, don't pack your bags yet. LOL! We had really big, horrible storm named Kayla! We had some real strong, damaging winds (40 - 75 mph) on Sunday and Monday. It's the worst storm to hit San Diego in 11 years. It was a very strong El Niño storm.
With all this being said: the rest of the week is going to nice and warm 70's and possibly low 80's by this weekend.
2 Feb, 2016
What erratic weather. Today we had thunderstorms all day and up near 60F.
4 Feb, 2016
Wow! Sounds exciting! The temps there is about the same as here in the low 60's the last few days. It's been really chilly, it's going to change tomorrow (Feb 4th), though.
It's the exceptionally strong El Niño which is causing so many weather problems throughout the world. This is the strongest one on record. In Southern California we typically receive a lot more rain during very strong El Niño years; however, so far it's not so significant, yet.
By Sunday we're suppose to have highs in the mid-80's, lasting through most of next week. This isn't so unusual here. Although, in El Niño years it's more rain than heat.
4 Feb, 2016
lol, my fun in the sun was short lived - - - snow tonight!
4 Feb, 2016
Oh no hope you didn't get too much. Wet horribly weather on its way for us this weekend apparently :-(
5 Feb, 2016
we have about 6 inches on the ground and it's still coming, but not with the ferocity as the previous storm.
5 Feb, 2016
I saw that on The Weather Channel. I also have friends in Boston that said it was mild one day and the next day (today Feb 5th) it's snowing.
We're heading for and extended period of very warm to hot dry weather for the next two weeks. This is not good for our severe drought. In past very strong El Niño years February and March are generally very wet months. We are hoping for lots of rain!
6 Feb, 2016
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ooohh wow look at that ....
been watching on Fox news looks really bad
23 Jan, 2016