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Our New Neighbours...

Our New Neighbours...

Our view from our front windows...! ;o)

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25 Jan, 2016


Rather like mine minus mountains Tracey!! baaa :o)

25 Jan, 2016


Noisy neighbours huh Neena? ;o)

26 Jan, 2016


How lovely, lambs soon perhaps?

26 Jan, 2016


Possibly Wildrose - The farmer moves them over the field in sections, so they don't really stay very long. But they are a welccome sight... ;o)

26 Jan, 2016


Ah, how I miss seeing sheep and lambs in the fields. I can see them round here from the bus but not close by. I even miss the cows mooing.

27 Jan, 2016


Not really noisy Tracey just the occasional Baa! I look forward to seeing the lambs :o)

27 Jan, 2016


Arbutnot we only get the sheep in the field opposite once a year, and always about this time... They provide good muck so I'm told, and then they move on and the field ploughed and planted up with whatever the Farmer thinks best - There's no set pattern... :o)

Neena - Will our mutal friend Robin be busy helping with the lambing this year...? ;o)

1 Feb, 2016


We were told by an old countryman that sheep poo is excellent for the garden. He used to put in some old tights and dangle it in the water butt. Seems to work well.

2 Feb, 2016


They look very sheepish to me ...

9 Mar, 2016


Did you know that sometimes a sheep will fall over and be unable to get up again because of the weight of the fleece? They will then start to have breathing problems and can die. I used to climb in the field and walk towards said sheep who ALWAYS suddenly found the strength to stand up and dash away. If you ever see one though try to help it up.

10 Mar, 2016

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