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Euphorbia millii - Crown-of-Thorns

Euphorbia millii - Crown-of-Thorns  (Euphorbia millii - Crown-of-Thorns)

This shrub blooms all year and is extremely common here in San Diego because of its very high drought tolerance. Photo taken San Diego Zoo on January 26, 2016.

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We have several large pots with E.milli here. Very popular plant here as well.

28 Jan, 2016


Dont know this variety....obviously a tender species..

29 Jan, 2016



Yes, it is so popular for their drought tolerance.

30 Jan, 2016


It is a tender shrub. It's native to tropical Madagascar. Many plants/trees native to Madagascar seem to love San Diego's mild subtropical climate. There's so many varieties available...there's several dwarf forms with different color bracts.

30 Jan, 2016


Yellow one is also popular in this part of the world. I see lots of them in garden centers.

30 Jan, 2016


Yes, the yellow and pink varieties are super popular here! I've got to post a pic of a neighbor's house with so many in pots. The bracts are giant. I've never seen varieties with such big bracts. They have the red, yellow and pink varieties.

2 Feb, 2016

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This photo is of species Euphorbia millii - Crown-of-Thorns.

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