The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

P1050836 AA 1


By Bjs

P1050836 AA 1

Although this came to me as cyclamen repandum I think it possible it is sub species Repandum ( just means it is marginally different to the true species)lol

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You are clever to know the difference Brian ,it is lovely !

10 Feb, 2016


Not really it just comes from observing them close up over many years and to do that I have to grow them in pots.

10 Feb, 2016


I like the way you have placed the plant against a dark back ground, shows off its beauty.

11 Feb, 2016


Some of the seeds you sent to me Bjs that I sowed in pots are beginning to grow. I thought they had just rotted or been eaten or something, but there are some leaves this year. I forget how long I have had them!
Some others that I planted in the gravel are growing well and have flowered quite a bit.

12 Feb, 2016


Beautiful plant Bjs.

13 Feb, 2016

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