Spartan Juniper
By Bathgate

20 Feb, 2016
An ideal privacy screen. Only gets 20 feet tall, never needs pruning. Soft feathery evergreen foliage has a bronze cast in winter as it does now, but turns a deep emerald green in Spring & Summer. Stands up to hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes & earthquakes (yeah we had those too!). Loaded with berries all year.
Comments on this photo
Yes, lol, I can hear them squabbling over property rights.
21 Feb, 2016
Oh my, they're just stunning. Love the way the light catches them.
21 Feb, 2016
yes, and how they gracefully move in the wind. Small birds like to hide in the foliage during a storm
21 Feb, 2016
Surely they must be nearly 20ft now, does that mean they just stop growing,haha, or do they get fatter? Lovely winter colour.
27 Feb, 2016
Yes, they'll get fuller and fatter, shed and grow new leaves and put out berries. They are much like the Italian Cypress, but not so tall.
27 Feb, 2016
Wow, they are some big ones, wouldn't fancy trimming those ! lol
4 Mar, 2016
5 Mar, 2016
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Plenty of berries for your birds then Paul ...
21 Feb, 2016