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DISASTER !! OUR PLAITED WISTERIA IS DIEING......??? (Wisteria floribunda (Japanese Wisteria) Rosea)

This beautiful wisteria had more flowers this year than any other time, but. three days ago they all started to wilt, have checked for honey fungus, also rot, and damage to the graft, but can find nothing, so upsetting as it was a gift from a dear friend, when we moved 16 years ago, anyone any other ideas?

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So sorry Angela, it's so sad for you :(

18 May, 2016


Thanks Sheila, we are both really at a loss to know why it has happened...that is the worse part.

18 May, 2016


Its not anywhere near where you squeezed that tree fern in is it? Or Vine Weevils?

18 May, 2016


No it's not any where near the tree fern K........ someone else suggested it could be Vine weevils, will get Peter to treat it tomorrow, you never know!!

18 May, 2016


The vine weevil larva are around at the moment DD as we treated our pots because we found some in there. Worth a treatment.

19 May, 2016


yes, definitely worth a try. What a dreadful shame. :(

19 May, 2016


Have given it a dose of Vw killer........fingers crossed:'(

20 May, 2016


Hope the treatment works, DD2, it would be so sad to lose such a beautiful and treasured plant. Fingers crossed.

20 May, 2016


Thanks Gee......will keep you all posted....

21 May, 2016


Oh No ! thats so sad ,I hope the treatment works as well, its like losing an old friend :o(

24 May, 2016


Sorry to say the treatment has not worked......not quite sure what to do......

24 May, 2016

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