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Euphorbia Griffithii 'Fireglow'


By Simbad

Euphorbia Griffithii 'Fireglow' (Euphorbia griffithii (Spurge))

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Love it. I bought one off Ebay last year, felt right ripped off as it was listed as a plant in a 2 litre pot. When it arrived the stems were in a 2 litre pot but they were not rooted, just pushed in the pot of compost lol. Anyway, grew good :-)

23 May, 2016


One of the nicest, not too tall, had this a while ago, but not anymore.

23 May, 2016


Oh we've had a similar thing with a flippin conifer Dawn, not a cheap one either, barely any root compared to its size, we should have taken it straight back anyway it ll be going back this week it's dead its been staked and watered as it should be.
I thought I'd lost it in the cold winter Siris it went down to one stalk but as you can see it's come back now :-)

24 May, 2016


The name describes it to a T.

26 May, 2016


I would take it back too Kathy, I had a Prunus the same, tipped it out of the pot and it was like a bare rooted tree, annoying.

29 May, 2016


We took it back Dawn and it was replaced no problem , I hate taking things back but the owner said never be afraid to bring things back and was really nice :-)

31 May, 2016


Brilliant, good, I guess the owner didn't realise what was being brought in from the supplier, naughty. Plants are too expensive to lose straight away. Hope this one was well rooted.

1 Jun, 2016


Oh my wished ours looked half as good as that, stunning!!

2 Jun, 2016

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This photo is of "Euphorbia Griffithii " in Simbad's garden

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