Rosa Bridge of Sighs...
By Dottydaisy2
- 10 Jun, 2016
Underplanted with a dark blue Campanula...
Comments on this photo
beautiful rose, here in ny i never can get roses to grow, have tried many bushes but to no avail! they take a lot of work , guess i just do not tend to them well enough?
12 Jun, 2016
Vjd...I've never heard that before. I know you have very cold winters. What is your soil like? Roses love the UK climate, but they also love heavy clay soil, which means we can grow them in places where other plants wouldnt be happy. But they really arent fussy about growing medium and will grow happily in light compost as well. I'm guessing it must be the cold, as I've seen wonderful roses in Portugese hill they clearly take heat as well. They do like a lot of rich food...well-rotted cow or horse manure is ideal, and sunshine. I'm curious now....wondering why they wont grow there!
12 Jun, 2016
It looks wonderful Angela, the colour of the rose is lovely ...
14 Jun, 2016
This is a beautiful rose!
16 Jun, 2016
Thanks Amy and Balcony it is still going strong.....and a beautiful scent too..
16 Jun, 2016
That is a really special colour.
16 Jun, 2016
Its a lovely rose, I must put a closeup on......
17 Jun, 2016
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This photo is of "Rosa Bridge of Sighs." in Dottydaisy2's garden
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That looks fantastic. I find it a difficult rose to capture. The camera seems to wash the colour out of it. But this is a good shot. Mine is looking really fantastic...a mass of bronzy leaves and tons of buds. I cant wait to see it in flower. :) love my roses!
11 Jun, 2016