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Buddleja Sungold...

Buddleja Sungold... (Buddleja X weyeriana Sungold..)

New this year, so pleased that it has made good growth....

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I am going off Buddleja, they get so big so quickly. I have been removing my white one every 3rd year and rerooting a new cutting. Now, in its second year, over 6ft, despite being pruned almost to the ground last year.

28 Jun, 2016


I feel the same Siris. I had one...Nanho Blue...never gets too big, and has lovely blue flowers. It was in the wrong place though so it was removed. This year I bought two of the dwarf vars. One for a pot and one in the ground. But this one..weyeriana 'Sungold' is my favourite of them all and it gets huge! So I bought one and have planted it beside my gate and greenhouse where it can provide some screening to the compost bins and will also have some support as it grows. I also bought a big flowered deep pink one for Rachel and a bit broke off, so now I will have to find a spot for that one too...when it gets big enough to plant.

28 Jun, 2016


They are so easy to propagate, just stick a piece in the ground and away it goes.

28 Jun, 2016


We bought this one because we wanted some quick cover, at the moment it is rather spindly though, getting too much feed from all the horse manure.......
Sue when do you suggest we take a piece from another one that is in the wrong place, but we dont want to lose the plant, just grow it in another area, tried to move the last one and it died on us!!
K at least you have the room for them to spread.....

28 Jun, 2016


My book says :-half ripe lateral shoots with heel in July and August, also says your globosa can be lightly pruned after flowering.

29 Jun, 2016


Thanks Sue....

29 Jun, 2016


A great looking Buddleia, DD! I once grew one like this when my wife & I lived at the one & only house we have lived in in the UK, (yes, we've been back over 15 years but we have lived in a flat all this time & so have never had a garden), like this one it was orange but wasn't very common yet back in the early 80s.

2 Jul, 2016


Here is a link to a page on the BBC: "Buddleia: The plant that dominates Britain's railways" that you, & other
GoYers, might find interesting.

2 Jul, 2016


I've just bought an Alternifolia, a bit spindly looking but I liked the drooping branches when it flowered.

3 Jul, 2016


GF we used to grow that at our old garden
when we had lots more room ..... very attractive when in full flower...
Balcony I know the one because we used to grow that one too, it was called Globosa, very similar to this Sungold, thanks for the link btw.....luckily we live nowhere near a railway line and we always cut off the seed heads as soon as they have finished flowering...

3 Jul, 2016

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