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Salvia glutinosa


By Siris

Salvia glutinosa (Salvia glutinosa (Jupiters Distaff))

Sticky Sage, grown from seed originally. Just don't get your hair to close.

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Nice, think this is the one Linda sent me seed from, I don't think they germinated quickly my 'slow goers' are in the cold frame. I liked it when Linda posted as it's yellow rather than blue for a change. If the seedings get going, I will be careful not to get my hair close. ?

21 Jul, 2016


It's quite a big plant, about the same size as your borage, and robust.

22 Jul, 2016


Thanks Siris. Would you like seed from my blue borage, I know you have white.

23 Jul, 2016


Thank you Dawn, but no, too big.

23 Jul, 2016


OK ;-)

23 Jul, 2016


Oh god yes don't get your hair near it , even worse for those little black flies they just can't escape !!, Love the scent on a hot day :-)

27 Jul, 2016


Haven't put my nose to it, in case it gets stuck!

27 Jul, 2016



27 Jul, 2016

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