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Only two flowers this year....

Only two flowers this year.... (Hedychium gardnerianum (Ginger Lily))

Love the perfume, well worth growing just for that!

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That is two more flowers than mine at present, but last year I didn't get flowers till 24 October, despite being kept inside in the conservatory. Also I cut mine in half and gave half away.

8 Sep, 2016


Looking rather battered now....after today's high winds :'(:'(:'(

8 Sep, 2016


Battering, salty winds, that is the down side of living so close to the coast. But at least you enjoyed the scent for a while. Can't say I noticed the perfume last year when mine flowered, I would have remembered. Now Salvia sclarea, what a delicious scent, although a huge plant. I am going to grow it again just for that citrus odour, but place it more appropriately.

9 Sep, 2016've got me there..I used to grow sclaraea but never detected scent...hmm...dont have any room for it here, as you say...gets huge.

9 Sep, 2016


I agree that it is well worth growing just for the scent. Sadly no hope of mine blooming this year.

10 Sep, 2016


Beauty (Scent) is in the nose of the beholder? Or the temperature of the environment?

10 Sep, 2016


I have a keen nose for scent. also taste.......lousy hearing and eyesight!! though!:'(:'(

13 Sep, 2016


Awesome looking plant. Really impressive.

16 Sep, 2016


Thanks Dorjac.......

17 Sep, 2016

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This photo is of "Hedychium garderianum." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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