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Fuchsia Deltas Sarah

Fuchsia Deltas Sarah

A hardy fuchsia that will prosper unless the weather is particularly extreme and should be protected from frost with a winter mulch. Watering and fertiliser regularly during the growth season.

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That's beautiful, I hope it survive for you.

11 Sep, 2016


Yes that's best - they need to be in the ground to overwinter outside.. Its a lovely variety.

11 Sep, 2016


I clicked like for the table. The plant is very nice too. lol

11 Sep, 2016


Good idea HB. That should do the trick.

12 Sep, 2016


It should hopefully grow more upright and rather taller when it matures a bit. The one I planted out last year is considerably taller and more upright than the one that went in the year that was overwintered in the conservatory.

12 Sep, 2016


This is my fav Fuchsia...I love the colour...I have a few rooted cuttings from it...

13 Sep, 2016


Nice variety, whichever it is. Nice table too.

17 Sep, 2016

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This photo is of "Fuchsia Deltas Sarah" in Homebird's garden

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