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Billardiera ...Longiflora ...


By Amy

Billardiera ...Longiflora ...

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Amazing shade of blue.....

5 Oct, 2016


Dd These seed pods I think are more attractive than the flowers .

5 Oct, 2016


They are very attractive.

5 Oct, 2016


Very unusual :0

5 Oct, 2016


I have just got one germinated from a packet of bought seed. Took about 3 months from sowing.

5 Oct, 2016


What a lovely shade of blue,Amy..what colour were the flowers please? I don't know this one..

5 Oct, 2016


Welcome back Amy x

5 Oct, 2016


Good to hear from you, Amy.

I had to look this one up, says it's evergreen & the fruits are edible. Unusual plant.

5 Oct, 2016


Saw it in a nursery last week.....was tempted!!

6 Oct, 2016


Thanks all , Its good to be back Dawn / Gf I must say I'm missing the sunshine , I can save you seed Angela, what time of the year did you sow your seed Sue ?

6 Oct, 2016


The packet says:- sow thinly anytime, gentle heat. Cover thinly. I sowed 5 seeds Nov. 2015 in ericaceous soil. (The other pots treated differently - no show). Have 1 plantlet about 8" now in a pot in the conservatory, never been outside yet. Took about 3 months to germinate. Obviously one doesn't know how fresh bought seed might be, fresh seed might make all the difference.

6 Oct, 2016


Thanks Sue I'll,put this in my favs to remind me later .....BTW the Maurandya barclayana ( climbing Bluebell ) you kindly sent me seed off are still flowering their heads off about 6 ft tall I'm keen to collect seed from the when its time :o)

6 Oct, 2016


Climbing Foxglove, Amy, seed originally from Simbad. The one in the sunny front garden over wintered outside. I have since bought seed of Maurandya erubescens, a reddy/pink one.

6 Oct, 2016


Sorry yes Foxglove , Mmm the reddy / pink will look fabulous ...

6 Oct, 2016


Called Magic Dragon, Amy, already flowering.

6 Oct, 2016


Great pic!

7 Oct, 2016


Amy, Could you please say, how old is your plant? How tall is it now? And do the fruits squash and stain? I am thinking of putting mine plant next year, (assuming it survives), against the bungalow wall, which is emulsioned cream.

8 Oct, 2016


Thanks Mari , Sue I picked a couple of seed pods this morning brought them in and rubbed them hard on white paper they don't appear to leave any staining We're off out for the day so will try again tonight on paint when they've dried out ,my plant is 4 years old approx 5ft tall ,it could possibly be taller if I had untangled some of the stem to training them up higher ... x

8 Oct, 2016


Thank you for the information Amy. Not under the window then. As it is evergreen, maybe I will put it over my Actinidia kolomikta, the leaves of which are falling fast, leaving the back fence bare.

8 Oct, 2016


I think that's a very good idea Sue My AK is also almost bare ,the Billardera Longiflora would make a wonderful impact on the bare stems at this time of the year the seed pods are a spectacular colour ...

9 Oct, 2016


When I saw a Billarderia in a GC this summer, thought it looked a bit of a mare's nest. At that time was not too bothered that my seed had not germinated, but mine is romping away now, and am excited, having seen your pictures.

12 Oct, 2016

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