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Autumn sad but beautiful.


By Bjs

Autumn sad but beautiful.

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it is truly a striking color, as you say sad that fall is here already

8 Oct, 2016


still I have all my dwarf bulbs to look forward to for the next six months they have already started to flower autumn crocus and cyclamen,
the containers that house them will probably be moved into my zero temperature glass house in about a month.

8 Oct, 2016



i do have indoor plants that i enjoy in the winter months ferns, dracaenas, palms, but sure wish i had a green house to walk into to enjoy the colors there appears to be a lot of them in England, seems everybody has one? sure hope the winter is short here, about 6 yrs ago we had a warm winter 70f sometimes in jan, and it sure messed up the growing season, i was able to plant my veg garden in april instead of the last of may. my spring bulbs did not know what to do!

8 Oct, 2016


I love these autumn colours but like you say Brian its also sad to see the end of another summer they go far to quickly :o(

10 Oct, 2016


i agree with you Amy even in ny the summers seem to go by fast, just when the perennials are in full bloom fall comes and takes them away, fall is ok but it means winter is near and the colors are gone!

11 Oct, 2016


Although autumn is a sad time for us flower lovers it's also a time of striking leaf colour in many plants! Here some trees had already begun to change colour even before the equinox took place!

Autumn flowering bulbs also come into their own at this time of year. Every season has its delights! My summer bulbs/corms/tubers are starting to shut down & the longer nights & the chiller days are only going to get longer & chiller.

I have 13 pots of tuberous Begonias in pots on the balcony railings most of which are still in flower. But they will have to come out this week sometime so I can put in the spring flowering bulbs I've bought! It's getting rather late for this & I can't wait till they finally die down for the winter. They will have to come out of their pots this week so I can plant my spring bulbs.

11 Oct, 2016


that sounds like a good idea Balcony to put the spring bulbs in pots instead of the ground, gives me more space and i do have tons of flower pots, do i have to keep them in a enclosed area over winter?

11 Oct, 2016


If the pots are frostproof you won't need to do anything more other than give them a little water from time to time if they are not wetted by rain. Even then you should make sure they have adequate drainage, if not the bulbs could rot.

If your pots are not frostproof then you will have to put them somewhere frostproof.

13 Oct, 2016


thanks garage it is

13 Oct, 2016

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