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CrabApple 'Red Sentinel'

CrabApple 'Red Sentinel'

Planted on edge of the forest for birds. The apples stay even after the leaves fall.

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Beautiful - and what a gorgeous blue sky!

12 Oct, 2016


Ours are falling fast onto the pathways ...

12 Oct, 2016


Almost as blue as in your avatar Sheila :-) We have nice weather at the moment but it will be not too long before rains will come.

They can be mess when they fall Amy. I had one next to wooden patio (in my previous house) and although it looked beautiful in spring, it completely ruined the wood . This one I do not have to worry about.

We just picked our regular apples and presently making some juice. I also freeze some .

12 Oct, 2016


Will you be glad of the rain, Klahanie? I think we will - preferably overnight :)

12 Oct, 2016


It is not me as much as the big trees Sheila. They suffered tremendously lately, especially all western cedars. They are all rusting quickly. And yes, I am sharing their pain.
Overnight would be fantastic.

13 Oct, 2016


That's so sad, Klahanie, and astonishing . . you would think that their roots would be deep enough for them to manage. We have had quite a drought here, but it seems even worse in France - a friend just stayed in a 'pension' in northern France with a "beautiful, huge garden where everything is dying" :((

13 Oct, 2016



13 Oct, 2016


have been reading up on the old methods of making jellies... Muslin bags hung full of crab apples. Not sure how juicy they'd be this year without the usual amount of moisture in the ground. Full of the natural pectin their juice makes a wonderful tangy spread for your morning toast. I used a juicer this year and the result was not as good. I have about three quarts of crab apple juice which I will have to 'set' with gelatin and refrigeration, as I don't wish to use the required amount of sugar. My Mom had a "diabetic" recipe for grape jelly too, which also used gelatin.
Such wonderful bounty... you must be very good friends with your birds, squirrels and deer!
I do hope this world wide dryness isn't going to last much longer than a season. We need an ark launching amount of rain just to bring the ground water back to normal levels!

19 Oct, 2016


I do not think this is the best crabapple for making jelly, Lori. I do have another one (Dolgo) but it did not produce enough to bother. Second year in the ground (in very different location) and not doing as well as the one in the picture.
We had few days of rain but I tried to dig some holes for my bulbs today and only about 2 inches (at most) are moist. Below that....bone dry.

20 Oct, 2016


I guess my whining has been heard, Klahanie. We are having rain... three days worth, so far with warm temps, alas it's down to single digits. The streams are still dry and everyone is watching their wells..but the moisture is so needed. I've been digging at the pond again and it's dry down to about 12 inches! I hope we get plenty of snow this winter... how odd to be praying for the stuff!

21 Oct, 2016


You will love this one, Klahanie... We have just had our first snow!... it's not going to last but there's about 5 cms on the ground! I wish I had not made my last comment to you about needing it!... it seems that we're in for some freezing rain within the week... oh boy! X-(

28 Oct, 2016


Oh no Lori, is not it too soon for snow? I was whining all summer for being so dry and now I am whining about too much rain. I think we have wettest October as far as I remember. At least its warm.

28 Oct, 2016

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