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I bought this orchid for its unusual colour

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Nice colour shade

20 Dec, 2016


Sort of a Tangy Tangerine shade. Christmasy.

21 Dec, 2016


I found the colour fascinating Bjs. It is one of the bigger Phalaenopsis, The main stem was over 2 feet . The flowers are big too. This piece in the photo is an offshoot. I hope I will be able to make it re-bloom.

21 Dec, 2016


Stan, how is your banana doing? Will it survive?

21 Dec, 2016


Oh,that big old banana will be fine Klahanie. Happens every year when the lows get to 40f..they look so bad they might as well be cut off.
The usual is to cut down to the recovers fast.

21 Dec, 2016


Also- the thing about these Orchids? They are bred to bloom so much ..they truly will bloom to death if you dont cut a stalk off around winter time.
Mine bloomed..three times. I was told on an Orchid forum- dont let it do that it will die. I let it do what it wanted and ..sure enough,its near death.
You have to force a rest period on them. I think 2 blooms in a row to a stalk,then cut. If I got their advice right.

21 Dec, 2016


Thanks Stan. I will consider it. I like this one and do not want to let it die.

21 Dec, 2016


Results will vary..wink.

21 Dec, 2016


Its lovely :o)

22 Dec, 2016


Thank you for your comments.

23 Dec, 2016


Mine usually bloom around now but are looking decidedly poorly - I hope they are not dying as I've kept them for years. I hope you are not right, Stan510. I don't force them they do as they please.

24 Dec, 2016


so beautiful, Klahanie, Happy New Year to you and your family , lots os Love :-) X

1 Jan, 2017


Thank you Junna. All the best to you in New Year. Lots of happiness and good health.
I often think about you when I hear about a typhoon in your area. I am happy to see you here on GOY again. So many nice people left.

1 Jan, 2017

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