The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Crocus Laevigatus Fontenayi


By Bjs

Crocus Laevigatus Fontenayi

Providing a little colour but struggling to open with the Sun so low in the sky.

Comments on this photo


Such a pretty sight. Hope the sun shines down on them soon.

20 Dec, 2016


Today may be the shortest day, but theres light here. Yesterday was almost like endless night!

21 Dec, 2016


Even closed, brightening these dismal days.

21 Dec, 2016


gorgeous :-) X

21 Dec, 2016


Seems like we can always rely on you to provide some lovely spring type flowers in the middle of winter. Beautiful!

21 Dec, 2016


Thanks everybody do my best.

Junna lovely to hear from you been a long time,busy lady I expect

21 Dec, 2016


these are a very pretty and a welcome sight: are they out in the open or in the alpine house?

23 Dec, 2016


They are in the alpine house ,they are fairly hardy but would not stand a chance in the rain and wind that is blowing right now.

23 Dec, 2016


Wonderful flowers, Crocuses! Although I don't have any autumn flowering Crocuses I always have lots of spring flowering ones! I wouldn't be without them! There northing like a few Crocus flowers open on a sunny spring day to put cheer in your heart! :-))

Happy Christmas, Brian & a great New Year 2017.

23 Dec, 2016


thanks for the information Brian. I understand about the weather :o)

24 Dec, 2016


Hi Brian, it was always a hard day for me ;-(

29 Dec, 2016


Junna x

29 Dec, 2016

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