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Seeds taken out of huge seed pod

Seeds taken out of huge seed pod

Possibly Gleditsia seeds (from a tree in Seville). They were not easy to extract from the tough pod, so it must take a long while to degrade.

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Interesting...I wonder if it degrades quickly when wet. As you say...makes you wonder how long it would take to germinate from being inside a pod like that.

5 Jan, 2017


Are you going to try to grow them?

5 Jan, 2017


Exciting they remind me of my Catalpa pods ( Indian Bean tree )

5 Jan, 2017


Thanks everyone. Yes Sue, I shall try to germinate them and grow them (if successful!) as bonsai.

Funny you should mention Catalpa, Amy, I have quite a few seedlings in the greenhouse grown from seed last year (also destined to be bonsai!).

5 Jan, 2017


Good luck with them Sheila its a fascinating hobby :o)

5 Jan, 2017


Oh how exciting! I do hope they germinate for you. Don't forget to keep us posted.

7 Jan, 2017


Thanks Julia - I will.

7 Jan, 2017


It looks almost like a pod from Cassia leptophylla (Gold Medallion tree) which is very common here in San Diego.

9 Jan, 2017


16 seeds ... fascinating ..

24 Jan, 2017


Yes Terra . . . I just have to remember to sow them in March!

24 Jan, 2017


Good luck, Sheila .. I hope at least some of them are successful !

24 Jan, 2017

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