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Cyclamen on balcony table 29-05-2012


By Balcony

Cyclamen on balcony table 29-05-2012 (Cyclamen hederifolium (Hardy cyclamen))

Cyclamen on the table on the balcony in May 2012

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These are the miniature Persicum hybrids if you get two seasons out of them you do well of course there is always the exception to the rule and I am sure someone will tell us the have had them for five + years

30 Jan, 2017


Beautiful Balcony and looks very healthy.

31 Jan, 2017


All looking very healthy David you have a good record of you Cyclamens ...

31 Jan, 2017


They are beautiful while they last tho'.

31 Jan, 2017


Thanks, Brian. I don't suppose I had them for more than a couple of years either. I found I had photos over several years but I very much doubt they are the same plants.

Thorneyside, they look pretty good - but maybe I took the photo not long after I'd bought the plant or it was given to me. Even though this one was from about 4 & 1/2 years ago I don't remember where it came from.

Amy, I have had Picasa 3 on my computers for years & it used to be a very simple matter of letting them be stored online (Long before the expression "in the cloud" was coined!) When Google took over the programme it, fortunately, conserved our photos! So I can now go into Google Photos, tap in the name of a plant & it will show me all the photos I have ever uploaded through Picasa 3 of that particular plant. That's how I was able to find these photos of my Cyclamen from so long ago! Since I've got through 3 computers over the years I consider it a great idea!

You are quite right, Linda, they are beautiful while they last!

31 Jan, 2017


well Brian I have several that I must have bought 5/6 years ago. they are in the conservatory.

1 Feb, 2017

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