10" Chicken ,Ham & Sausage pie
By Amy

1 Feb, 2017
What to do on a wet day ........
Comments on this photo
Looks absolutely delicious Amy, what a great combination....is this one of your own recipes?
The last few months I have been making different soups, every week, with homemade bread, just bought a new bread maker, as the last one was on its way out, so now I am trying out all the different breads ,cakes, and even (jam recipes) cannot wait to try the jam!
Has all the pie gone?
1 Feb, 2017
I should hope not Angela....a Ten Foot Pie...gone in one day!? lol...Sorry Amy ;) x The pie looks fantastic, well done!
1 Feb, 2017
LOL yes Sheila / Karen 10 " that's more like it ! the pie will last a few days its a recipe I use from a picnic book Angela its a hot water crust it's delicious ,you layer the bottom with uncooked sausage meat I use nice herb sausages about 6 mixed with chopped onion and a teaspoon of thyme ,and then a good layer of cooked chopped chicken topped with a layer of cooked chopped ham bake half an hour at 200 then lower to 160 for another hour or until its nice and brown and then wait for it to cool before pouring the chicken stock with gelatin through the center hole .. I often make this when I have left over chicken or ham from the weekend ,its very welcome at lunch times .. Soups are my favourite thing to make broccoli & Stilton being my latest one ,I've never had a bread maker my friend has one it smells delicious when she has it on ,its very useful for her living in a village ,good luck with the jam all pure fruit and tasty ....
1 Feb, 2017
That is a big pie Amy.
1 Feb, 2017
Amy do you make your own pastry for this pie? if so, you are good, isn't it a tad tricky? I would like to try this one of the days...
Our favourite soup this week is leek bacon and potato, broccoli and stilton is also a big favourite of ours, I shall never buy ready made soup ever again, we are totally hooked, I now make up my own recipes, the only problem being I can never make it twice, because I can never remember how I did it.......pea and ham is gorgeous, made with frozen peas!! so simple, loads of flavour!!
1 Feb, 2017
I totally agree with you Angela I never buy tinned soup its so much nicer to make a batch of your favourite and then freeze it in portions ... Yes I make my own pastry I have to say I find it easier if anything , if you would like to try it I will copy the recipe for you ..
2 Feb, 2017
I've PM'd the recipe to you Angela x
2 Feb, 2017
Looks great. Now you are all getting me inspired to make my own soups. I'm afraid I'm a bit lazy where cooking 's concerned, but home made is always best, so I must make more effort. I think living alone is the problem.
2 Feb, 2017
Ff its worth making a big pan full and then freezing it in portions ,you can make a Delicious meal for yourself by adding potatoes or dumplings , dumplings only take a few mins on top of the soup in the microwave ...
3 Feb, 2017
Looks delicious Amy. Your pastry looks really good. I sometimes make pastry by hand but the mixer blender really makes it well. Like you I sometimes make home made soup and sometimes use the leftovers from the day before and put in the blender...especially broccoli. I usually add a bit of stilton to it too to give the soup some flavour.
4 Feb, 2017
Thats a good idea Hb good stock always makes for a better flavour ,I made the Hairy Bikers mushroom soup last week that was nice , Thanks Linda ,I've never attempted to make pastry in my mixer I think the thought of washing all the bits up puts me off Lol...
4 Feb, 2017
Made a lovely mushroom broth tonight, was very tasty, and bread and butter pudding, using the apricot and almond loaf a new recipe from the bread maker, are far too much ....still enough for tomorrow!!
Feverfew it is difficult when there is just one of you, I would most probably be the same :'(
4 Feb, 2017
Angela did you weigh yourself before you bought your lovely bread making machine Lol the apricot & almond loaf sounds delicious even more so in the bread & putting pudding ,Hb I use Brioche for bread & butter pud.it has to be the chocolate one its not only the youngsters that love it Lol ...
5 Feb, 2017
LOL .. tell him we breed them big in Norfolk Hb hasn't he seen our turkeys :o)))
5 Feb, 2017
I think your pie looks magnificent,Amy..I've never made hot water crust pastry.,only short crust usually..which I always make in my processor these days..I just 'pulse ' it,so as not to overdo it.I also now do 'our ' Chocolate cake the same way..I hate rubbing the cocoa,sugar ,and butter together by hand ..so messy ! lol..x
7 Feb, 2017
Thanks Sandra , I still make ' our Chocolate cake ' the same old way ,I don't mind messy fingers the chocolate cake is worth it I'm very grateful you gave me the recipe its a firm favourite x
7 Feb, 2017
It's only that I seem to get my messy fingerprints on everything,Amy..taps,jeans,jumper .etc I stay much cleaner now ..Lol..mind you,I've always been a messy baker..:o) x
8 Feb, 2017
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Looks very nice, but perhaps that should read 10" ?!
1 Feb, 2017